Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Terrorist Captured


Cuzzin Ricky


Anonymous said...

Cut that out Rodger. I am getting nightmares.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant! Truly LOL.

Rodger, it is as if you give my subconscious a voice.

That single image is as funny as it is disturbing, which is saying a LOT!

Anonymous said...

The contest is over....BEST PHOTOSHOP EVER!

SherryM said...

O...M...G!!! It's like a car wreak ya cant look ya gotta look cant help but look.... Aaaaaaaag! I think I'm going to be ill.

MoFiZiX Gr4FiX said...

Does this mean we can give her the death sentence?

Anonymous said...

Actually....I thought she never looked better.


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