Thursday, May 31, 2007

Today's Encyclical

   A green card in every pot

Had President Bush replaced Karl Rove with Ann Coulter in 2001, He would now be considered the greatest President in history, and Adam Gadahn would not be the first American indicted for treason in more than 50 years, Sen. Jay Rockefeller and Pinch Sulzberger would hold that honor.  This is an infallible statement concerning political faith, and not debatable.

Americans — at least really stupid Americans like George Bush — believe the natural state of the world is to have individual self-determination, human rights, the rule of law and a robust democratic economy. On this view, most of the existing world and almost all of world history is a freakish aberration.

In fact, the natural state of the world is Darfur. The freakish aberration is America and the rest of the Anglo-Saxon world


 At the precise moment in history when the U.S. has abandoned any attempt to transmit Anglo-Saxon virtues to its own citizens, much less to immigrants, George Bush wants to grant citizenship to hordes of immigrants who are here precisely because they are fleeing cultures that are utterly dysfunctional and ruinous for the humans who live in them.

Yes, this country has absorbed huge migrations of illiterate peasants in the past — notably Italian immigrants at the turn of the last century. But also notably, half of them went back. We got the good ones. America was not yet a welfare state guaranteeing room and board to the luckless, the lazy and the incompetent from cradle to grave.

Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, immigrant and first Jewish member of the Supreme Court, said that Americanization required that the immigrant adopt "the clothes, the manners and the customs generally prevailing here" and that he adopt "the English language as the common medium of speech."

But, Brandeis said, this is only part of it. "(W)e properly demand of the immigrant even more than this — he must be brought into complete harmony with our ideals and aspirations and cooperate with us for their attainment. Only when this has been done will he possess the national consciousness of an American."

Or as George Bush would call it, "empty rhetoric." And as Linda Chavez would call it, "racist."


There is more, and it is worth reading.


Anonymous said...

"SCAMNESTY".... The intentionally open borders to the south and north, along with the burden the illegals are going to put on us in terms of give-aways, benefits (average illegal household cost to tax paying household: $21K annually), and our natural resources (eg: water, particularly in the West), will certainly radically change life in the U.S. as we know it.

It pains me to admit I voted for 43 TWICE.

"Stupid" is too kind a word to use to describe this clown.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Yeah, we'd have been way better off with Gore or Kerry. Right?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

This is Bush's answer to Carter's Panama Canal giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Better off? Hell no! But that doesn't change the fact that #43 is a prime candidate to be added to the "Jimmy Carter Hall of Bad Presidents"

The man isn't stupid.... clearly he's either got his own agenda with regard to illegal immigration, or he's being "marionetted".

Rodger the Real King of France said...

1. We're desperate for new input into that Ponzi scheme called Social Security.

2. If we send the 12 million back like we ought to, Mexico will collapse into civil war with untold repercussions.

Pay the piper now, or pay him much more later is my motto. It also happens to be the law of the land. Send them back.

Anonymous said...

I say we should annex Canada and Mexico. Canada has timber and maple syrup. Mexico has oil and tequila.

Let's start with Alberta.

Anonymous said...

I'm aware my opinion on this is not widely shared here. But:

If we do not pass this bill, the 12 million will be in the US.

If we do pass this bill, ditto.

But, if we do pass this bill, and enforce it (that's the key), note that there are key restrictions we've been wanting for years. It's Ted Kennedy gonna be the one going 'Doh' in a few months.

Anonymous said...

Alear - regarding enforcement, go here:

to see what Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama has to say about the bill’s many deliberately set booby traps, falsehoods and legal fine print discovered after his legal team read the whole bill in detail.

The restrictions and penalties mean nothing in this piece of skullduggery.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Rodger the Real King of France said...

See, I'm tired of stipulating that we no longer have the ability to enforce our laws. I demand they be enforced this time, and I demand that all 12 million be evicted. Hell, you don't even believe the restrictions will be enforced. If enough of us stand our ground, we'll win because a President will be elected on this issue and his name will not be Bush. If it causes riots in California and civil war in Mexico, so be it. Time to change the diapers.

Anonymous said...

May as well demand your kid gets into the Hogwarts school of magic. Not gonna happen.

This is true: I've a good chunk of El Salvador living right next to me. The kids are doing American types of activities: riding bicycles, roller skating, playing ninja kung fu figher, going inside when mom calls.

I don't see any traditional American kid doing these things, on my street. And there are more of those kids than the Salvadoreans. They're just not coming outside anymore. We've built baseball diamonds, basketball courts, and the white kids aren't in sight.

So where are we at then?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

You seem to be missing the point. I have NO animus for Hispanics living in the US of A. None. Nada. Protecting our border and controlling immigration is like a community covenant. Once you allow one person to fence his yard, in violation of a covenant, the covenant evaporates. These illegals are illegal. What's the game? Break the law on so grand a scale that you can then abandon it by fiat? Screw that. This is worth fighting for, and I mean with guns if necessary. The only people I want permanently excluded from immigration are Muslims. Period. Send all of them back and let them apply, name a sponsor, show a skill, and agree to assimilate.

Anonymous said...

apply, name a sponsor, show a skill, and agree to assimilate.
Then shoot them.

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