Thursday, June 07, 2007

Buy two, they're cheap


Life is worth living again

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Do you know how sometimes you wake up and are disappointed that you did again? "Inbred Republican" sent me this picture and made me change my mind.


Anonymous said...

teary eyed here...

can i nominate 'INBRED REPUBLICAN' for POTUS?

by the way, i have been researching Fred and it isn't stellar.

i like him, like him better knowing the C&S crowd is Thompson Country.

but, he has a concerning McCain lean...
"Thompson and McCain voted the same way on 83 of 102 CQ-defined “key votes” (81.4 percent) during the eight years the two men served together. Thompson agreed with Brownback on 57 of 70 votes (81.4 percent) and with Hagel on 57 of 71 votes (80.3 percent)."

Anonymous said...

The same stats can be said of the just about any Republican in the senate. McCain is not a complete apostate it is his under handedness that have people not trusting him and the way he stabbed fellow republicans in the back. I hope this is not an attempt to smear Fred with that because McCain voted on many issues in an acceptable manner.
Were we able to seevotes by Rudy and Hillary they would dove tail practically in lock step. Rudy agrees with democrats on issues far more than he agrees with conservative Republicans. Fred Thompson is a dyed in the wool conservative Republican even the time spent since he was in the senate has molded his out look to a more Reaganesque view point along with his association with Paul Harvy. Thompson loathed the senate and the fact they were two faced on a lot of things. Again Thompson is the nations best hope in this field. Rudy may get a lot of liberal press and be pointed to by the media as what the Republicans should be along with Swartznegger but that is not what the vast majority of Americans want running the country. Rudy will not get the nomination and if he was to get it it would ensure a democrat in the Oval office.

Anonymous said...

Look, I have to admit, a lot of times I have NO IDEA what the hell some of Rodger's posts are about. This is one of them.

Isn't the guy on the right hand side Glenn Beck (radio talk show guy?)

Sorry, I missed this one, too? What the hell is this about? USA UAS USA?!?!?!?!?! Mis-spelled on purpose?


Anonymous said...

I say the Republicans have a deep bench but I'm liking Fred more and more. His appearance on Hannity was a home run. I have a big problem with Mitt's health care plan he jammed in MA. And while he sure is talking the talk about Islamofascism, and bless him for that, he hasn't walked it. Nor has Fred, however I believe either of these men would make excellent presidents.

Rudy, in my book, is solid too and has walked the walk, but GD it, I want the man that gets the nomination to win. The softer Rs that Rudy would get would more than be offset by the base that won't vote for Rudy. Stupid I know, but I'm afraid even the prospect of another President Clinton won't get them out.

And Fred, unless he stumbles some how, wil beat HRC. We simply can not afford to have HRC and her coalition getting power.

Anonymous said...

When you mistype yer domain ... celebrate it!

Anonymous said...

I would not regard the base as stupid. That is just so much crap. You have to stand for something. Ifyou are a conservative and believe in conservative values you would be violating your own principals by voting for Rudy. I assure you the Base does not want a Clinton in office or any of the Demorats that are running.But I hate to say it because I appreciate all that Rudy did for NY as far as law and order are concerned but being President is different. It is just not NY that you effect. The fact is Rudy agrees with Hillary Clinton more than conservatives. that is just fact.

Anonymous said...

What has been lost in this debate so far is the Supreme Court issue. It is just as valid now as it was in 2004. Fred would, I believe, appoint solid constructionist judges and it's very likely that Ruth Bader Socialist will retire in the 2009-2013 time period. Pause to consider what any of the other candidates might do.


Anonymous said...

i had a feeling that was MR. S's cool image on that shirt.

very cool...

jack, i do appreciate your comments and respect your opinions.

but the idea Rudy agrees with Hillary more than Conservatives is complete nonsense.

absolutely absurd.

Rudy believes in the US MILITARY
Hillary does not...

Rudy believes in fighting the GWOT
Hillary does not...

Rudy believes in small Gov.
Hillary does not...

Rudy believes in cutting taxation.
Hillary does not...

Rudy believes in capital punishment.
Hillary does not...

Rudy believes in putting felons in prison.
Hillary wants them to vote.

Rudy wants Gitmo open.
Hillary wants it closed.

ETC., etc., etc...

the entire concept is silly.

NYC is about as big as most states, it was a liberal nightmare, sinking, and he got an amazing job done, saving NYC as a FREE Market success, while the libs tried to destroy him.

* good training for any President.

the reality is, Fred Thompson's record is about as conservative as Romney or Rudy...

and it seems odd to me, to be brutal with some Republicans, who have some solid credentials, and easy on others who appear to be as moderate as McCain.

* some of Fred's votes...
Voted YES on funding GOP version of Medicare prescription drug benefit. (Apr 2001)

Voted YES on favoring 1997 McCain-Feingold overhaul of campaign finance. (Oct 1997)

Voted YES on allowing more foreign workers into the US for farm work. (Jul 1998)

Voted YES on visas for skilled workers. (May 1998)

i think Fred would make a fine President.

but i don't have this conception anyone is perfect, especially when placed in a position of responsibility, or that they would agree with every position i deem.

it is pure fantasy in my book.

even Reagan compromised with Tip O'Neill to enable the Social Security nightmare...

Anonymous said...

Any one that tries to pass rudy off as being a conservative is fooling them self or trying to fool others. trying to claim that Fred Thompson is not a conservative if that is the attempt is down right dishonest and can be decide by 3 or 4 votes.

Rudy is pro gun control that is fact.

He supports homosexual marriage

He supports special rights for homosexuals and making them another protected class.

He is pro abortion.

He is even pro partial birth abortion and has stated that on many occasions.

He supported the brady bill.

He pro amnesty for illegal aliens

He kept NY as a santuary city despite calls from Republicand there to alter that order and turn over illgal's to the Fed authorities.

Rudy supported and still supports the law suit against gun manufacturers. All you need do is go to Sight 9/11 and you can see how much Rudy supports the 2nd amendment.

He is a dyed in the wool liberal and he agrees with Hillary Clinton more than he agrees with Republicans. I have just skimmed the surface with the above off the top of my head. Rudy is a RINO period no amount of bull shit is going to change that fact. Nor is trying to make Fred into a liberal going to make Rudy appear more conservative. It is just not gonna happen and the vast majority of the republican base is not going to support Rudy when his Views are fully center stage. i do not mean any disrespect to any one but I am not going to be baffled by bull shit. This next Presidential election is to important and we need some one that is a real conservative not another Bush in the Whitehouse. Now remember i worked for Bush and voted for him twice but I am fed up I want someone that means what they say. I have known Fred Thompson for years. I know he is honest and means what he says.

Anonymous said...


do you like Ron Paul?

Fred Thompson, Rudy, and Romney are not liberals Jack, and that isn't something that comes out the rear of a male cow.

No liberal would cut taxation.

Bush meant everything he has said, as his immigration position was, and is well known, made quite clear years before he was President.

'baffled by bullshit'?

or is it just ignoring basic facts, like voting records...

calling Rudy a liberal is pure slander, and regretful.

the idea this Man is the same as Hillary Rodham is downright silly.

i'd be happy to see Fred President, and hope he does well, but to unfairly treat this President, Rudy, Romney, etc., and a host of those fine Conservatives in the GOP (like the one's who stopped Reid and Company from ramming through immigration reform in the Senate), is not reasonable, responsible, objective, decent.

this is a worthy effort here:
Part II: Bush Betrayal & the Nation’s Soul

Anonymous said...

No i do not support a nut like ron Paul. I never mentioned Mit i could actually vote for him. But yes Rudy is a liberal and trying to say he is not is total bull shit. rudy is every bit as liberal as most democrats.

your last paragraph makes no sense what so ever i have not mention Romney who i believe is conservative but to try to convince people that Rudy is a conservative is like pissing in the wind and saying it is raining. That dog just will not hunt.

I have never ignored any voting record. Yes Bush has totaly made an ass out of him self in regard to the amnesty. But he is still not a liberal like Rudy.

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