Saturday, June 30, 2007

Cherry Grapes

Don't get mad. Laugh at them.

If we're talking about Liberal nincompoopery, we must be talking about Global Warming and  PeTA.  Those, and other stories cherry picked from Brit Hume's Political Grapevive. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tried to laugh... But somewhere around the "Vegan mom" part of it, I found that the laugh was coming out as a maniacal cackle, and I noticed that my hand was on the Glock 29 I keep IWB... Ugh.

That part about lawyers predicting global-warming related lawsuits will come true; the counter claim that "the public" would not be happy with the corresponding rise of energy costs is exactly why it *will* end up happening. Supergreen whack-jobs love to use high energy costs (e.g. gasoline) as a weapon for try to force green nincompoopery on the rest of us. Such tactics typically end up doing much more harm than good (duh), but it only takes a few to cause quite a bit of costly trouble, and in typical bloodsucking fashion, of course lawyers are already gearing up for it. Can’t wait for the obligatory “Have you been harmed by global warming? Call our law firm…” commercials. [Please, please, please let me be wrong…]

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