Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Delinquent Parents

Widdo Windsay

How many things are wrong with this picture?

Mommy take her daughter to a $1300 tanning session so she'll look good for her school picture.  I'm guessing 2nd grade school picture. :)


Anonymous said...

Next up, mom's taking a trip to the waxing station... so she can look just like Paris Hilton.

Looks like a near-fatal case of Affluenza. These people couldn't last a weekend on less than a thousand dollars... could you imagine if another Great Depression were to hit? They'd be dead within five days.


Anonymous said...

That is terrifying! not just pathetic. Somebody call social services, please...

Anonymous said...

She looks marvelous! The other girls are going to be so like totally jealous! And for only $1,300? What a bargain!

Anonymous said...

"She NEEDS to get tanned for her school pictures." ???
Love the guy. USA-UAS-USA
Mom needs to get *checked* before her daughter becomes Lindsay Lohan for real. !good grief!

Anonymous said...

Ay fink ay'm gonna fwow up...

Anonymous said...

My head is going to explode

Anonymous said...

Whaaa? Isn't shearing what sheep are *for*?

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