Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Fred Thompson-Sean Hannity Interview

Fred's the Man

The criticism of Bush was more in keeping of the type of rhetoric that could be expected when Democratic presidential contenders debate.

A pox on them.  While there are a few things that disturb me about Fred Thompson (his vote for McCain-Feingold for  one), overall he stands head and shoulders over the rest of the pack.  Especially after that disgraceful show last night where most of the Republican pack pandered to the media with anti-Bush screed.  Negativity is a Democrat trait and has no place in the Oval Office.  Here's the 20 minute interview Fred did with Sean Hannity last night.  See if you agree with me.

Click to pause


Anonymous said...

i like FRED too...

but he was a part of McCain's campaign in 2000, which opposed tax cuts...

did he vote to impeach Clinton?

anyhow, the anti-Bush crap was tired, but still see Rudy as strong.

but i am biased, as i watched him take a tired, worn out, beaten, corrupt, nightmare of liberal folly in NYC and turn it around.

of course the libs are trying to wreck it again, but long ago, no one thought it was possible.

i know the Reagan Tax Reduction was a major player in this change from the pathetic 70s.

Rudy and Romney have some sincere history to run on, seem sound, etc.

Romney seems to match Thompson's expression, with his appeal to the Conservative base.

don't feel they will believe it, but i think it serves us best to objectively consider all candidates.

one will rise, hopefully get elected, beating Hillary, and then we can cynically tear him apart for not being perfect.

Anonymous said...

My most sincere *Thank You* for this video experience. Several points really clicked for me, if I may expand? I hope that wasn't a "no." ;)

First: Fourth of July. Awesome! Go for the patriotism of that date, Fred!

Second: LOVE his quote regarding campaign finance reform and how soft money was used by the Clintons: "People, up until recently, thought it was against the law." Gotta love that line!

Third: His national defense remark referring to America being "picked off one by one." I LOVE plain and straight talk. I HATE silver tongued liars.

Final: When he made reference to other countries (India/China/SKorea) becoming better educated, harder working, it was a comment I had just given thought to this past Sunday. We live in an area that, I've heard tell, has the largest Sikh population in the USofA. A great deal of our local medical society is made up of them. So, I'm watching this woman step out of her Mercedes wearing a deep pink sari, and I think to myself about the motivation they have to improve their lives.
In Idia, they actually see REAL poverty and suffering. It's got to be a motivator. To rise above and prosper, one must work hard to create a better life. And this line of thinking led me to the American welfare state person, who seeks to be given a life as opposed to earning one. Create a life, or expect to "take" (grab) a life, that is the difference. There's just a lacking motivation to elevate one's self.
This led me to how the Dems have ruined minorities. AS long as they keep them dumb, stupid, lazy, and dependent, political power remains theirs. Keeping American students stupid and propagandized ensures them job security. Dem Liberals have done more to promote and stoke the fires of racial disharmony than any other factor in the world. If only our country would wake up and shovel the shits out of office, they could all rise to the heights their lives are intended for.

Anonymous said...

great insight Juice...


Anonymous said...

McCain-Feingold was bad, but Thompson's arguments lately makes sense to me.

Money is trouble in politics?

Only if it's not disclosed: he told John Fund earlier this year that he's leaning toward letting all money in but making it all available on the web publicly, immediately. That's brilliant.

Goes to show you can change your mind and still explain why -- a flip-flop is when you can't explain it.

Also shows that he's not kidding about using the Internet to transform politics.

The man just gets more impressive the further you look into his positions.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Nice comment Kramer

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