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*Suspected Economic Law: The easier it is to bribe a working-stiff cop, the
poorer the country.
*A serious obstacle to prosperity is Half-Assedness, a quality not widely
recognized in econometrics but well known to experienced travelers.
Half-Assedness is a curious mixture of just not giving a damn, lack of ambition,
little interest in academics, and sometimes something that looks like lethargy.
*Another element of Half-Assedness is, depending on your politics, cultural or
inherent, but unmistakable. Some populations just aren’t very bright, or at any
rate don’t seem to be. Sub-Saharan Africa, though rich in resources, is
pea-turkey poor and not improving. Arab countries, even when awash in oil money,
do not establish First World societies that could survive without oil. In South
America the white countries, such as Chile and Argentina, could be in Europe.
The highly Indian countries, as for example Bolivia and Peru, would be basket
cases if they could afford the basket.
*Suspected Economic Law: The more European or East Asian blood, the more
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