Sunday, June 03, 2007

Good News Sunday

Giving the Finger

Islamists killed in US Somalia bombardments

The authorities in Somalia say a number of Islamist fighters have been killed over the past few days in US naval bombardments and clashes with the army. Among those killed are six foreign extremists, including an American. It's believed they entered the region of Puntland by boat last week. A Somali jihadist group earlier said it had suffered no casualties and had killed 11 government troops.

The US naval strike appeared to be targetting a suspected al-Qaeda operative believed to have been involved in the 1998 attacks on the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that killed over 240 people.

Dozens of Taliban drowned crossing river

Coalition forces in Afghanistan say around 60 Taliban militiamen drowned while attempting to cross the Helmand river, one of the country's biggest. They were fleeing military forces in the Kajaki district and had constructed a makeshift raft of tyre tubes and wooden planks.

China says U.S. warning on toothpaste irresponsible

BEIJING (Reuters) - China has branded a U.S. warning against using its toothpaste as irresponsible, saying low levels of diethylene glycol
"So far we have not received any report of death resulting from using the toothpaste"


That shrill sound you're hearing isn't coming from the cicadas. It's the cackle of conservatives reveling in war protester Cindy Sheehan's abrupt decision to leave the anti-war movement and return home to California

You have to give Al Gore credit for one thing: Truth in labeling

His new book, "The Assault on Reason," is precisely that -- a relentless assault on reason, as well as science, history, Republicans, news media, the president, corporations, the wealthy and any ignoramuses who do not fall in line with his soft-core socialist friends.

The 'Blame The Iraqis' Gambit 

"Bush lied us into war" is the favorite of many Democrats, including presidential candidates who supported the war but now want to claim they were misled. "Bush screwed up the war" is the favorite of people such as me and others who argued from the beginning for more troops and a different military strategy and were told to shut up by folks in the Pentagon and the White House.


Anonymous said...

good news in the GWOT...

love the finger images.

i don't buy into the 'Bush screwed up the War' as i am stuck in history and often think of the Battle of the Bulge, Shiloh, the Chosin Reservoir, etc., etc.

most of the Bush messed up, comes from the endless 24 hour propaganda reportage from the lib MSM, and flops like Newt G, who opined endlessly for the Mission - boasted about it when it was popular - but now find it easy to gripe when the polls look different.

certainly the President may have leaned towards a 'softer footprint strategy' once in, to maintain Allies like Blair, and with hopes to encourage Iraqis to join with the Free World.

but a bigger US Deployment would probably mean larger casualties.

the bottom line, in my humble 'o', is any military operation is not like going to be like a walk in the park, and this remains an historically low casualty rate, with the formation of a Free Democracy, with Army, in the heart of the Arab Region.

context is essential, mistakes will be made, and this remains a huge success in my book, with great potential, as a foothold, just like South Korea, West Germany, Japan, etc., prior.

then again, my opinion is rare.

one thing, fools like McCain, who think they can dump on the Bush Administration for 'bad management', are only encouraging the liberal denial.

McCain should, of all people, know how 'mistakes' can be made in a combate zone.

like Newt, he was all for it, then let the President twist in the wind alone, when he should have been strident in a Mission he is also responsible for.

dumping baseless blame, to cover one's rear, is almost as bad as the lib traitors.

Aleara said...

Speaking of baseless blame, this is different. Reminding me of the [black guy] in Blazing Saddles, who threatened to shoot the [black guy]:

Russia has again threatened to point missiles at Europe if the United States goes ahead and builds a missile defence shield in Poland and the Czech Republic.

Anonymous said...

There is stuff going on in Iran that should scare the bejesus outta you. Sleeper cells in England, enriched nuclear fuel being supplied by Russia, 85% of out casualities in Iraq because of Iranian IEDs, co-op treaties with the GCC and KSA, America signaling it will leave the middle east by 2009, Iranian acquistion of long range ICBMs that can reach England...

I just gotta ask WhyTF Bush is jabbering about greenhouse gases. Has this administration lost it's fucking mind? I heard that W wasn't going to kick the Iranian can down the road to the next administration but this legacy bullshit is rearing it's ugly head.

Unbelievable. All I gotta say is gold and oil stocks. And a full arsenal. The end of days appears to be looming. Just like it was in '79 and the good lord sent RR. I'm telling you, a big set of pineapples needs to be elected in '08.

Anonymous said...

Actually, HILLARYNEEDSAVACATION, I have to disagree. Bush has screwed up the war. He has refused to allow the military to destroy the enemy. Remember those mosques full of weapons and the orders NOT to destroy them? That moment was a PROFOUND failure of judgement as a military leader. There is no excuse. Enemies must be completely, utterly destroyed. THEY must decide they wish peace and are willing to do anything to make the killing stop. Instead, we stopped short making victory impossible. Best case, we'll have another North Korea on our hands. Worst case, Iraq (and the myriad of terrorists ruling Islamic strongholds throughout the mideast) will rise up to become a threat to the world, as per Nazi Germany.

There is no historical precedent for victory without complete defeat of the enemy. Bush threw it away.

Anonymous said...


what is your evidence Bush refused to allow the Military to destroy the Enemy?

for example, this President invaded Afghanistan and Iraq.

sounds like he was willing to take the fight to a number of threats against the USA.

in the face of enormous pressure, slant, (including the Baker folly), he actually refused to limit the efforts in Iraq, and decided to commit more Forces.

The President sets Policy, and is not on the ground, but delegates authority.

the evidence shows most of the tactics in Iraq, was developed by the Military.

(besides some of the baseless rumor, which cannot be confirmed).

perhaps, you feel we should have just bombed the entire region?

i am open to suggestions...

Those Mosques full of weapons? In most cases reported, we seized the weapons we found...

In the case of Sadr, the Iraqis had taken over their own Sovereignty, and we have to work with the growing Ally, especially those Allies like Great Britain, Poland, etc. Certainly, the Iraqis who felt he could be dealt with, made a huge mistake. But mistakes are always made, when dealing with human beings.

That is the whole point of making a Free Democracy in Iraq, empowering those who will chose lawful existence, and reject - fight the Radical Muslim Militancy.

The foothold in Iraq, isn't to destroy Iraq, but build a sound alliance to change the region, placing pressure on Iran, Syria, etc.

We cannot with this GWOT alone, and allienating various Countries around the World will only make the job more difficult.

You bomb the entire region, but you have to be prepared for the fallout.

It took 8 years to stabilize the former Nazi Germany, once Hitler was removed from power.

We are still in Germany, Japan, Kosovo, etc, etc...

Israel has not been able to stop Radical Terrorists from killing their own, after decades of destroying the enemy. Didn't their incursion into South Lebanon remind everyone, just how well the US is doing in Iraq?

It is a very difficult task, to deal with Nuts willing to use children to blow up everyone else.

Another North Korea? To produce a South Korea is the whole point, a beacon to offer an alternative, to challenge the oppressive communist dictatorship (Radical Muslim Folly), and provide a sound base for our FINEST to fight at any time.

Again, why haven't you accounted for a history of mistakes and difficulty in military campaigns.

How long did it take for Lincoln to find the right General and Strategy to fight the Civil War?

Did Ike handle the closing days of WW2 correctly, allowing the Communists to take half of Europe?

Should he have sacrificed thousands of US Lives to fight for this area?

Without blind carpet bombing, the US would have encountered so many more casualties, with your desired tactic. American losses could be five to ten times more, if they had not taken the present course of action, which has achieved a number of strategic successes.

Saddam is gone, Iraq has a Free Democracy on Our side, the US has a base fighting the Radical Terrorists in the heart of the Arab Region, Iran is feeling the pinch, etc...

If you choose carpet bombing, be prepared to lose all Allies in the World helping us. The UAE, Kuwait, SA, GB, Australia, etc., etc...

We need everyone we can get to win the GWOT. On Our own, it is that much more difficult to win.

Who knows, but to judge so harshly, the only President willing to fight in the GWOT, seems foolish.

I give someone willing to do the right thing, far more credit than the back seat cynic. Also, I can only have great empathy for the burden a President has with US Men and Women in harms way, as it deeply concerns my own mind every minute of every day.

Sorry, i don't feel you are looking at this Mission, the essential fight in the GWOT with objectivity.

This is one complex War...

No attacks on US Soil since 9-11?

Two growing Democracies in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Al Qaeda continues to die, sounds like it is going in the right direction.

Not as fast as we wish, but patience is essential.

i really sense the frustration is misguided. we wish it went perfectly, and was over, without realistic expectations of the true challenge.

the NRO, who advocated for the invasion of Iraq, came out with a wimpy 'whoops' editorial, about a year after Saddam was removed. it was as if these elites had not properly considered the difficulty involved prior to the invasion, and expected the effort to change a Nation of 25 Million in the Arab World, to work like ordering a Big Mac.

everything worthwhile takes a great deal of energy and time.

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