Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Grapevine June 5

Rodge, I'm on my way back from Iraq and driving a F-22.  I have one nuke tipped missile left and am wondering who to use it on - the New York Times, or Philadelphia? Any ideas? - Thanks

Trigger Happy


Anonymous said...

"gays will be welcome in scouting" is already hideous enough. It seems to me what they must be seeking now is, "Gays will be welcome in 'boy' scouts ' beds."
Are they sure it's not pedophiles seeking new words?
*my icky alarm is going off*

Anonymous said...

well said JUICE !

icky indeed...

The NY TIMES reminds me of crap.

Cheney Rocks.

thanks for the GP VID.

Anonymous said...

Although Philly is icky, NYT is sticky with the blood of good men on their hands.
Nuke 'em. And if Bloomberg is collateral damage, that's a good thing.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

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