I've decided that I was placed on earth to destroy Hillary Clinton's
presidential hopes. Or do the best I can. My lawyer dad used to say
that a good lawyer doesn't have case law memorized, but does know where
to go looking. So it is with the Clintons. I've archived every jot,
tittle, and scribble about them for 16 years, and now I'm going to
start compiling it all in an orderly fashion. Video and audio are the
hardest to come by, especially going back to the early days. For
instance, 60-Minutes' exposé
of Hillary's cattle futures fraudulence was aired only once, and is
likely under armed guard 24/7 lest the footage end up in public.
Anyway, rather than just let all this stuff grow dust, I'll release
little packages as I find them. That way others can join the fun.
This video addresses the media's conceit that Hillary had no idea what
her husband was up to, and the sycophant media who will cover for
her. I call it a A Toady, A Twat, and a Testimony.