Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The Humanity

Brits rocked over Logo ruckus

Grilled Celt


Anonymous said... man... is that you?

Good grief. This Internet thing is not wholesome, at all.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

r you asking did I do that? hell nO!

Anonymous said...

The pic that Drudge has up, best reflects the world today, but is entirely worthless for the Olympics.
Per your link, love #7, actually. :)

Anonymous said...

The man has a wedding band on.


Anonymous said...

It appears that the people who flunked out of the British Culinary Institute have taken up logo design.

Anonymous said...

Now in video!

Anonymous said...

What, no minarets?

I wonder whether the female athletes will be forced to wear burkas.

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