“ | Since the 1990s, the U.S. Census has occasionally asked people about
their military experience, including whether they had served in
Vietnam. There were some interesting results.
In 1995, the census data
showed 11.2 million people said they served during the Vietnam war
period. But only nine million American actually served in the armed
forces during the official Vietnam war period (1964-1975, most U.S.
troops were out of Vietnam by 1972, and the big build up didn’t begin
until 1965). And only 30 percent of those were actually in Vietnam.
That’s 2.7 million troops. The census estimated that, by 1995, only 63
percent of Vietnam veterans were still alive. That meant that 30 years
later, Vietnam era veterans who actually served in Vietnam were now
only 15 percent of the Vietnam era veterans. Someone is apparently
lying to the census. [Free Republic]
| ” |
*Further analysis shows that the differential matches exactly the
number of democrats running for political office during that period..