Sunday, June 10, 2007

Let's order Chinese Rover

Chinese Safety Glasses

Pretty much a metaphor for China's concern over exported food purity.


MitchM said...

More proof you shouldn't let little people play with plastic bags.
"If you shoot me with .25 ACP, and I find out about it, I'll kick your ass." - Dan Martinez
I remember a story about a cab driver who was held up by a man with a gun in his back seat. He'd been robbed before and was pissed off so he hit the gas. The robber shot him in the back of the head 5 times with a .25 caliber pistol. The cabbie stopped the cab, jumped out and ran off to get help. All five bullets flattened and stuck to the outside of his skull. A pistol in this caliber is more usefull as a club. In my opinion a .45 is the only way to go. 90+% 1 shot stop or kills. Oh yeah, good morning Rodger and everyone else!

Kevin said...

There's a guy who used to run the Crystal River (Florida) pawn shop who was attacked by a crazy with a samurai sword.

A .25 caliber Browning at point-blank range (he was holding the hilt of the sword, which the crazy had just run through his abdomen at the time) saved his life. Five shots to the head dropped the perp, DRT (Dead Right There).

A .25 ain't much, but it's better than nothing at all.

Anonymous said...

It's also handy for this...After a time a volume of sweat builds up under the plastic, in the blazing sun, and if you watch, you'll see bubbles billowing up like co2 indicating time for this worker to have a water break. Saves 'new man break-in' and burial expenses.

Anonymous said...

Before they came up with this innovation,they were constantantly taking the back-hoe out of service to dig trenches.Just can't cut that kind of overhead ya know.

MitchM said...

OK Kevin, I agree, it's better than nothing. Also the front of the head has all those soft little holes like eyes and stuff for the bullets to go in. But I will always prefer a .45 and training.

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