Friday, June 01, 2007

Peggy Noonen jumps ship

We'll survive

By we, I mean Americans, not ratbastardcommies

Too Bad
President Bush has torn the conservative coalition asunder.

Friday, June 1, 2007 12:00 a.m. EDT

What political conservatives and on-the-ground Republicans must understand at this point is that they are not breaking with the White House on immigration. They are not resisting, fighting and thereby setting down a historical marker--"At this point the break became final." That's not what's happening. What conservatives and Republicans must recognize is that the White House has broken with them. What President Bush is doing, and has been doing for some time, is sundering a great political coalition. This is sad, and it holds implications not only for one political party but for the American future. ... Peggy Noonan

So  Bush has lost Peggy Noonan.  Wow.  But what's the big deal?  Really. He's a lame duck, but a stubborn one. We can assume he'll continue to kill al-Qaeda, which is really the only thing he's done well if you think about it. And keeping the SCOTUS safe from the bad guys.  And  for saving a grateful nation from the dull-witted Al Gore, and a psychopathic John Kerry, he may one day find his visage chiseled into Mount Rushmore.  In all matters fiscal he's been  more interested in impressing Ted Kennedy than me.   He's a punk on immigration, and always has been.   Will it be President Giuliani, or President Thompson?  That's where I'm at.  Since it appears that we no no longer vote for Presidents , but against a candidate augers well for holding the White House.  There will be no split when it comes to voting against Clinton II. Way more people hate Hillary's guts, viscerally hate,  than can possibly be mustered by Republican antis..    I'll vote for the one who promises to obey our law and expel 12 million scofflaws from our borders.  Bet you will too. USA! UAS! USA!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

And a Yep from me too!

Anonymous said...

Cheez Rodge! Yesterday you gave me crap for stating the obvious, and, because Peggy Noonan basically says the same thing, I sense there is a shift in your perspective. Is there a staff of people there at EIB (Excellence in Blogging) that take turns ghostwriting for "Rodge"? Is there really a "Rodge"...Does "Rodge" even exist?????

Be kind.........

Anonymous said...


You must know by now that it all depends on the mix of the psychotropic cocktail. As for me Rog, I'll take the pledge too.


Anonymous said...

When I read that article earlier today, I couldn't help but hear the narrating voice of Henry Hill (Ray Liota) from Goodfellas, discussing the consequences of being in business with Jimmy Conner Or Paulie Cisero. Every time Noonan typed "too bad" in response to constituents not being heard, I'd hear Ray Liota repeating "You don't like....FckYou!" "Losing money? FckYou!"
So, this is what American politicians have become: Protected Mafia Wiseguys.
*yes. another reference to pop culture*

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Ricky - I didn't give you crap for that. You bagan "I voted for him twice." So did I. My comment was meant to convey, "If you had it all to do over again, would you vote for Gore or Kerry?" Hell no. We had NO choice. I'm in 100% agreement with you from the get-go on Bush's idiot position on immigration.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Juice ... terrific analogy!

Anonymous said...

I see a President Thompson in our future.

Anonymous said...

Juice, I love movie analogies, that was an excellent one.

Jack, possibly, maybe even probably. But if Fred comes out and doesn't have the fire, well, Rudy and Mitt sure have been breathing it lately. Especially Mitt.

Whoever says Iran is going to start paying for their invovlement in Iraq and illegal means ILLEGAL will be the next President.

Anonymous said...

Noonan today, Coulter yesterday and now Juice's great reference. Trust the girls to be the best bullshit detectors.

Which reminds me, a real cowboy is the guy with the shit on the outside of his boots.

Anonymous said...

Peggy N. abandoned the Bush Administration long ago, after the reelection.

She sounded like she was having professional jealousy regarding the speech writing.

And most of her rejection of GW wasn't from a Conservative expression, as the buddy of Chris Matthews entertains a MSM lean every now and then.

She is a treasure, but her own Administration, the Gippers, gave amnesty without any border security plans, ran away from Lebanon, and let Tip O'Neill write the enabling of Social Security.

I remember so many Conservatives sadly abandoning President Reagan so many years ago in the late Second Term.

But even if GW believes Immigration Reform is essential, who would abandon the likes of Rep. Hunter, Sen. Sessions?

So many sound, ethical folks in the GOP, and I am not interested in a Hillary Presidency.

Suicide is painful.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jack...

what did Fred Thompson do to stop Illegal Immigration while in the Senate?

Anonymous said...

Until our borders are secure and the laws of our Constitutional Republic enforced, all other issues are irrelevant. I'll push to get more name recognition for the only candidate who has been fighting the fight for the past ten years--and who promises to pardon the the former Border Patrol Agents held as political

Anonymous said...

"Which reminds me, a real cowboy is the guy with the shit on the outside of his boots."

Anonymous said...

This could be a good campaign season. There are very qualified candidates. I'm talking Rudy, Mitt, et al. Hillary and Osama are not candidates, they're sock puppets.
Anyways, hoping this isn't just another echo chamber, and all are allowed to respectfully disagree.
Rodg, you say "all matters fiscal he's been more interested in impressing Ted Kennedy than me." Seriously, have you seen the economy lately? My 401k is almost obscenely printing me money. And many indicators say it's going to continue going up.

Anonymous said...

The above post is from
Alear, just hit the wrong button, and would like to be only semi-anonymous.

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