Saturday, June 02, 2007


Violent crime on the rise in the US: report

Sat Jun 2, 1:48 PM ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Violent crime in the United States rose for a second year in a row in 2006,

The number of robberies increased six percent and murders increased slightly, law enforcement officials told the Washington Post, referring to an annual report by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (
FBI) to be released Monday.

It was the first sustained increase in violent crime in the country since the early 1990s. blah-blah-blah

I happened to see this on the local CBS News affiliate, in fact it may have been the CBS network news hour itself.  .

News Chick: ."... and some think  they know why."

The first thing that crossed mind was illegal Immo crime. I don't know that's the cause, but then neither do they.  Still, their "'expert'' offered these probable  reasons.
  1. Recent release of a lot of prisoners (?)
  2. More guns on the street. (with artificial intelligence and bad tempers I guess)
  3. "But the biggest reason say Democrats is that Bush stopped the Clinton program that put 100,000 cops on the street. "
It won't do a bit of good to correct these news hour play-babies, but Clinton did notput 100,000 cops on the street.  His program promised to  fund  increased manpower, certainly not 1000,000,  for a year - after which municipalities had to shoulder the salary burden.  They opted not to on a grand scale, but took the money anyway and spent it on who in hell knows?  Typical liberal feel-good B-S.   The day Bill Clinton drops dead will be the first time in his life that he performed a selfless act that benefited the country.



Anonymous said...

Now I really want to be a policeman in Bloomfield Hills. I can't wait for my first car chase.

Anonymous said...

You nailed it in ref the 100K police on the street. there never was a 100K and the few that made it into some local municipalities were just funded for one year and as you stated many cities took the money and used it for other things it was a lie. I am suprised the twit did not blame it on the ending of Midnight basketball that great crime fighting gag.

Crime was drastically reduced because of three strikes and locking up thousands of repeat offenders. That and the people defending them self is the only effective way to stop crime. Repeat offenders were and still are responsible for the vast majority of crime. The only effecttive plan is to lock them up.

Anonymous said...

Consider the demographics of the three primary cohorts currently alive. The boomers are pretty much out of age range for committing violent crime; Gen-X'ers are 11% fewer in number than the boomers and so that's a reasonable explanation for the drop in crime numbers the past couple of decades -- there are 11% fewer people of typical crime committing age. The largest American cohort in the world's history, Gen-Y (Millennials), the peak age of which is currently 17, has just entered the age range (15-35) of those most likely to commit crimes, violent or otherwise. Add to this demographic fact crimes committed by illegals and I think you have a reasonable explanation for the spike in crime statistics. Look for the total number of crimes to continue to increase for the next decade or so as the Millennials age into the range of those most likely to commit crimes.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, perhaps there's a fourth option? Disgruntled middle-aged white guys hanging politicians and media types from lamp-posts?

As the crusty old Mrs McGowan taught us in the 7th grade; figures don't lie, but liars do figure.


Anonymous said...

"Repeat offenders were and still are responsible for the vast majority of crime. The only effective plan is to lock them up."

It's the next to best effective plan: it's expensive to keep them locked up, and we have no idea of how many crimes they commited before been caught this or these few times.

The best plan would be 3 strikes and you're dead. Liquidation would be a lot cheaper than incarceration and there would be a deterrent. Moreover, it would save countless lives of innocent people.

Anonymous said...

I'm no fan of long term incarceration, its a total waste of tax dollars. Before any one sets out to lynch me, let me explain. I favor execution over long term incarceration. If we stick a guy in the pokey for life, he has no reason to straighten his ass out. Then we stick some kid in there doing a fiver. What does the kid learn? to straighten out? Nope, he learns all the bad shit the lifer can impart on his young apprentice. I don't necessarily favor public executions, but I do favor doing it in front of the prison population. I think the max term should be 20. Longer than that and its a waste of money. they will never benefit society. Make the prisons a little tougher by removing luxury items such as books; limit one. Take ouot the TVs and movies. If they want exercise, have a chain gang for them to join. Last, prison funding for their needs should come either from the scoundrel, or his family. All his food, clothing, meds etc should be paid for either through him working and earning it, or his family buying it.
Am I mean? heck no! This is nice compared to how I felt a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

Well the American people are not going to do public executions and really we do have some idea of the number of crimes repeat offenders have comitted. But you can go to the DOJ site and see that. Also the public will not ececute people because they have long sentences it is just adverse to the American sense of fairness. But the incaration of repeat offenders is the main reason for the drop in crime. Now with the silent invasion of our country in full swing you are going to see a huge increase in crime. We currently have around 20 Americans killed daily by Illegal's Half murder outright the other half by driving impaired beaners here that have no bidness here.

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