Sunday, June 10, 2007

President Thompson

5th District activists like actor for president

I guess that wraps it up for Fred

There were nearly 250 Republicans, mostly GOP activists from the northwestern Ohio district, at the dinner. About 170 ballots were cast, according to a spokesman for the Gillmor campaign.

The results, excluding assorted others who received less than 5 percent of the vote:

• Thompson: 32.5 percent.

• Giuliani: 18.1 percent.

• Romney: 18.1 percent.

• Sen. John McCain of Arizona: 11.4 percent.

• Gingrich: 10.8 percent.


Anonymous said...

Democrat = "grass roots", Republican = "activists"

But don't forget, there's no media bias.

Anonymous said...

"Republican Activists" are guys in three piece suits how contact you with threats to stomp hell your grandma, your dog, your begonias if you don't vote 'right'.

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