Friday, June 08, 2007

Reality Sucks

Since I started blogging 5 years ago, and even extending back to my Free Republic days 10 years ago, I've noticed a phenomenon - I have written about this before - where stuff I do that just makes me howl (come on - a sand car jacked up cinder blocks?) , and get an erection at the thought of my own brilliance, is greeted with indifference by everyone else.  At the same time, it seems like the most insignificant throw-away post, one that violates my own blog code of not posting for the sake of posting, but only out of passion and conviction, will draw a screen full of comments and make Newsweek's cover.  What do it mean?  Every blogger I've mentioned this to has had the same experience. I think it's global warming.

Hey, this wasn't meant to be anything more than a musing. It sure wasn't a complaint.


Anonymous said...

Not global warming Rodg, some of your posts are so complete no further comment is needed.
As for myself I often refrain from posting because I don't think your blog needs to be cluttered with my ramblings though I my think them funny or pert.
I know I just read what Sondra had to offer on this same subject.
I know it must be hard to judge just how much you all mean to us blog illiterates but your efforts are appreciated I assure you.

Anonymous said...

I know I should let you know more how much I appreciate your work but I have got lazy in my old sickly years. You I believe know how brilliant you truly are.

Anonymous said...

Rodger, ya doesn't has to be a blogger to hear crickets in the background of life. It happens to all of us, some time or another.
I always enjoy wandering the cogs of your brain here at the C&S lounge. And. It's time I hit the tip jar. :)

Anonymous said...

Uh, Rodge...
I can see a couple'a numbers under the paint.

Anonymous said...

I like round hard smooth

Anonymous said...

" Hey, this wasn't meant to be anything more than a musing. It sure wasn't a complaint."

Then quit feeling sorry for yourself and do a nice photo shop rollover of a three way between Hillary Rosie and Obama for us.
Little Johnny Edwards
(it's the only way I can win the ticket)

MitchM said...

Hey Rodger, of course I appreciate your work. You were my first. I'd never commented anywhere before here. Never really wanted to. Other places made me want to break things. You do too but I'm allowed to vent here. That's a good thing. So...Thanks!

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Hey dammit. I wasn't feeling sorry for myself, I was commenting about-- ACHHHH. Stop busting my balls. I'm working.

Anonymous said...


I think that it's altogether unfitting for you to post a picture of you sunbathing.

Anonymous said...

Just yesterday I had to call sweetie in to show him the push- the-button-to-blow-them-all-up rollover because it was so good.

Sometimes I know I can't add to your posting. Sometimes they go over my head. Sometimes you are being naughty.

But, I always look every day.


Rodger the Real King of France said...


Anonymous said...

R - Is this a continuation of the story (pic) over at terpsboy_dot?

Anonymous said...

Rodg may have a point here. I'm a blog junkie, I really am. And the number of links to C&S are minimal.
Close to non-existent.
So Rodg, instead of sending that check for US$43,634, I'll try to disseminate your seed around the intertubes for a bit.
This may or may not be a good idea.

Anonymous said...

I only know that you are awesome and your blog reflects that. You make a huge difference in this world and besides that I love you my friend.

Anonymous said...

I come for the free beer and salty snacks.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Alear thanks, but bloggers are for the most part link traders - which is a good idea but one I eschew. I have links to what? 20 people? I get mail several times a week asking for a link deal, and never answer them. Also this is a pretty volatile blog. There are periods when the content is rationally presented, and that will draw a certain readership. Then there will be a blood letting where all manner of executions are held. hanging, beheadings, bombs, and rants, and that will offend a lot of people. Then there are periods when the boundaries of good taste, what Mary calls "being naughty" are stretched to the limit, and poof there go the Baptists. Then there is mixing parody with legitimate news, who knows what's real? I obviously don't give a shit. Hey why is anybody here? I don't understand.

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