Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Revenge for Scooter

CLICK if you want to blow them to smithereens


Anonymous said...

Scooter Libby gets 30 months for exposing a non secret agent?
Clinton gets a pass for purgury?
Sandy Burgler gets a pass and is willing to give up his law license
for stealing state secrets and is out on the street??!!
Rob In AK
Oh this is rich; a "Chunnle" from my beloved Alaska to the icy cold (no Japan current) Siberia?
First iof there aren't even roads to the west coast of AK. We're they gonna drive to: Nome?

Eli said...

Fred! has already said he would pardon Libby immediately.

Oh btw, Fred! has his site up (bare bones right now). If anyone wants to donate like I just did... Click Here

Anonymous said...

That Judge is pathetic.

An appeal will be interesting.

Great image.

And i am wondering, what Conservative will blame Bush.

Does Fred Thompson mean it?

Or is this another Senator making the old try for votes.

A lot of hype and fashion in this actor.

Hope he lives up to it.

In the debate, Rudy looks good, so does Romney.

We shall see...

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I watched Fred on Hannity last night and he's the guy. End of story.

Anonymous said...

I just watched the Fred interview at FOX's site, you're right Rog, end of story. Damn, straight answers, who wooda thunk?

Iran ain't liking this one little bit, we know how they scrutinize our media

Anonymous said...

Number one Libby was not convicted for exposing anyone. he was convicted for so called lying to the FBI in what is really a purjury trap and is an old ploy by the FBI lawyers.Fred never made any secret of his disdain for the senate and there is no hype or fashion period. He is the real deal just as I said. Second Rudy is done period and is just spinning his wheels conservative base will not turn out for him and he has no shot at the nomination.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I posted his interview with Hannity, Jack

Anonymous said...

2 stars on the graphic, young man. That's why we are mind-controlled by the real king of france.

Anonymous said...

Yep. This is why you do not EVER talk to cops ... and why the best answer on the witness stand is "I don't remember".

Until judges get their heads out of their asses, have your lawyer do all of the talking.

Always demand immunity before testifying at a grand jury. No immunity? Then take the fifth.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE YOU RODGER...for this post!!!
Daym, you are the funny man. And I feel so much better now. Also, what mary said. Ditto.

Anonymous said...

" I watched Fred on Hannity last night and he's the guy. End of story"


if you say so, being the real leader of the Free World in my book.

however, why am i a skeptic with a Senator who left to go back to tv?

who began as a lobbyist, joined the McCain Presidential Campain of 2000 which opposed tax cuts, etc., etc...

i have seen the hype, but not much to back it up.

i like him, welcome him to the game, but want him on stage.

and those who support him, if he loses the Primary, are they then NOT going to vote, like the Ron Paul fringe?

used to be, we selected a Party winner, and got behind the Nominee, instead of acting like cry babes.

now all i hear is, 'i am NOT voting', which is music to Hillary's ears.

have i been banned from C&S yet?

one of these days...

Anonymous said...

Guilty Guilty Guilty, but a 'stand up guy' nonetheless. Who is he covering for?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

JC - Thompson, or anybody for that matter, deserves one trillion merit points because he did leave the Senate while he could still walk and do something productive. I cannot name 10 people in the Senate whom I have an ounce of respect for. Good on him. And you can have any opinion here you want HNAV, you know that.

Anonymous said...

Thank you.

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