Saturday, June 09, 2007

Today's Lesson

Example of Advocacy Photo Journalism

From the AP-Reuters textbook


MitchM said...

Well, I'm using a 7.62mm with a peep sight aperture and in this configuration I can get about 20 shots. Is that a Canon you're using?

Anonymous said...


needs Michael Moore in the background saying action...

Anonymous said...

I've ALWAYS thought that one of the dumbest jobs to have is to be a cameraman with a shoulder full of something that would make me think, If I was a few hundred metres away, "shoulder launch! Time to light that narrow ass up!"

Grumpyunk said...

Where exactly was that picture taken? A few well placed morter rounds would minimize that habit among (Spit!!) journalists.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Suncoast, stalking his quarry, wondered why the quarry kept acting as though they knew somebody was tracking them. Hearing a noise behind him and looking over his shoulder, Mr. Suncoast realized he was pointing his rifle at the wrong people.

MFCS vultures.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

C'mon Rodg, don't tease, isn't there another one showing the dopey splitass in the stripes catching a hard high one in the neck?

Anonymous said...

one grenande would get a terrorist shooter and the Cell's propaganda officers

guinspen said...

The guys in black seem to be policemen.

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