Saturday, June 09, 2007

We've been invaded


Can you handle it?

I was the first person to seriously raise the specter of a population sprinkled with the spawn of space aliens. I offered pictorial  proof HERE., and again HERE..   Remember?  We believe that the first spawn to reach the pinnacle of power in the United States was Jimmy Carter, followed 12 years later by Bill Clinton.  You sneered didn't you? 

Now, read Vancouver patient oozes green blood  [I am not making this up].  The man is believed to be one of the aliens who fled to Canada after the 2004 election.  I am able to tell you that the administration is aware of this silent invasion, and had two ways to deal with it.  The first was to euthanize all elected democrats, their families, and close supporters.  President Bush compassionately, and foolishly in my opinion, opted for Plan B which explains his seemingly stupid efforts to allow free entry by another group of aliens into the country - Mexicans.

Why, you ask?  Because bean eater's DNA contain alkaline enzymes that corrode, and render useless, the brain implants that SPACs (space aliens high command) use to control minions like the Moveon.Org joiners.  Scientists say that over time cross breeding will eliminate the threat.  But, do we have that much time?  That's the question.

You're not hooting now, are you?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If I ever see green blood, I will certainly remember this post. No hooting here, boss.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Did you read that news story? It;s all real. BTW, you get to use the clean bathroom Juice. The key is behind the ... *whispering*.

Anonymous said...

Of course I read the article, which is why no hoot here boss. You do find some of the most interesting stuff to share, Rodger.
Thanks for the restroom pass, You know us gals! ;))

Anonymous said...

There's always at least one layer of tissue between me and any foreign toilet surface, and I never touch the latches or knobs with my bare hand, and I always carry sanitizing wipes, and....

Anonymous said...

I'm getting the hell oughta here. I don't trust these bastards since that abduction and anal probe...."I'm a doctor and you'll feel a slight pinch.", my ass.

Anonymous said...

I did twenty years in the Navy. Any attempt to "probe" me would be like waiving a baseball bat in a two car garage.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh. Is that what you had to put up with...I see...These clowns wanted ME to do the probe...Nope. I said an ear wax scraping was as far as I would go,

Anonymous said...

Advice received and passed on, as worthy:

Make sure the doctor doesn't have both hands on your shoulders as he gives you the proctology exam.

You're welcome. This has been a public service announcement.

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