Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Alaska He-Man

Jokeless Punch Lines


MitchM said...

Reminds me of Hugh Galloglass, the guy they made that Robert Redford movie about. Think it's called The Grizzly Man. The book is way better. I was raised on stories like that and Liver eatin' Johnson. Of course those stories were told around a campfire usually. You listened to one of those and tended not to wander out by yourself into the forest. Happy Independence Evening everyone! I pray everyone is safe and keeps all their fingers tonight.

Anonymous said...

And the 'bear' romance was preceeded by that quart of redeye whisky,no?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

oui :)

BlogDog said...

Robert Redford movie - surely you mean "Jeremiah Johnson" then?

Anonymous said...

I don't have to out run the bear, I just have to out run you.

Anonymous said...

RIGHT OVER THEIR HEADS ROG, RIGHT OVER..."3 things to do to become a real Sourdough"

Richard Harris was in the John Huston
Movie that was loosly based on Hugh Glass and his epic adventure.

That Commie Rerdford was in the Jereimiah Johnson film and didn't eat one damm liver- I was So disapointed.
Gene Moe, a REAL Sourdough took on a Brown bear with his 3" Buck knife a strong left hook and a prayer on his lips.

BobG said...

I remember that joke; only I originally heard it years ago about an ugly Rottweiler.

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