scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Saturday, July 21, 2007
almost done

"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Tsk, tsk. Too much time on line.
Momma will spank.
mary -
7/21/07, 5:27 PM
- B....... said...
Having an obtuse moment here - damn it!
7/21/07, 7:01 PM
- B....... said...
Ahhh! I get it - thanks to Mary.
7/21/07, 7:05 PM
- skh.pcola said...
Um. *shrugs*
7/22/07, 1:42 AM
Anonymous said...
WTF?!?! I don't get it.
7/22/07, 6:37 AM
Anonymous said...
"WTF?!?! I don't get it."
Gotta be married to understand that joke. Or just lazy, like me.
Anyway, here's the scenario: Wife is our of town for whatever reason. Meanwhile, husband is supposed to be working on the "honey-do" list but obviously hasn't.
In my case, there's always a flurry of activity about 24 hours prior to her return to do everything I was supposed to be doing all along. Thus the one splotch of paint on a wall turns into "99% complete" via the phone. THAT is why videophones will never succeed.
True story: my wife had been away for about a week -- when she called I casually asked her "Hey, did you know our sink can hold ALL our dishes at once?" She wasn't impressed, but I thought it was a cool discovery.
--Jack -
7/22/07, 10:36 AM
Anonymous said...
They tend to be narrow-minded that way.
7/22/07, 9:47 PM