Thursday, July 05, 2007

Another Great Appeaser

Larry, Moe, and Gordon

Add to the many faces of British PM Gordon Brown, village idiot.  What religion did all of the physicians involved in the recent failed bombings adhere to?  The  Muslim religion.  What was their motivation?  Islamic fascism. Are they terrorists?  Duh.  Mr. Brown moved swiftly in the wake of these revelations and banned the use of the words "Muslim," or "war on terror" by his government in the context of the ... what, the "recent unpleasantness?"  Who's this guy's script writer, Harry Reid? Sweet Jesus. Somewhere in the British hustings is a Winston Churchill; I know there is.  But he'd better ride to Dodge in a hurry, with guns blazing, else it's all over.


Anonymous said...

You forget that Churchill was a man. He was fond of libation, car playing, nice legs on a woman, shot a Thompson for pleasure and carried a 1911. Where would there be such a creature in today's UK?

Anonymous said...

"Political Correctness is a doctrine fostered by a delusional,
illogical, liberal minority, and rapidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely
possible to pick up a turd by the clean end"

Anonymous said...

Churchill was half 'Merican.

Anonymous said...

As if they weren't already in deep doodoo with all the liberal nanny state idiocy...

Now, (formerly) Great Britain is totally farked. This time it's not just Chamberlain appeasing Hitler and the relatively small might of Germany, no, it's 1.5 gabillion religious fanatics.

G-D help them (the regular Brits), but methinks it's too late...


Anonymous said...

he'd probably be found in jail. Due to a steady degradation in UK culture over the past half-century, Manly behaviour is now considered uncouth.

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