Thursday, July 19, 2007

Bill Richardson & the Donk Plan


  DES MOINES, Iowa — Democratic presidential candidate Bill Richardson said today that if he won the White House, he would name a top-level envoy assigned to rebuilding shattered ties to the Muslim world.

    Richardson also called for a "multilateral Marshall Plan" to rebuild the Middle East.

    "Winning the war against al-Qaida has a lot to do with building goodwill," he said. "For a small fraction of the cost of the Iraq war, which has made us so many enemies, we could make many friends."

They, liberals, honestly believe this would work.  God protect us.


El Jefe said...

Reminds me of that commercial with the hippies, cops and pillow cases.

For God's sake! Do we as a nation no longer have the will to win?

Anonymous said...

"multilateral Marshall Plan" to rebuild the Middle East
So he thinks we can pump more cash in than we already do now paying for oil? I never thought of that. Wot a bloody genius he is. Or is it the peyote?

They honestly think these schemes will work because they, not the previous four generations of failed socialists, will be in charge, and besides it makes them feel good to try to do good with other people's money.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

So....does this mean we can go ahead and bomb the crap out of the ones that need it first? Sounds good to me.


Anonymous said...

Who's the maricone now?

Anonymous said...

What logic! Just like that war on poverty we won, throw our tax dollars at it. Why havn't we heard from this genius sooner?

Anonymous said...

Middle of September, eh? Screw dat, the Squealers are coming to Cleveland on Sept 9.

I'm gonna ask Rodg to gas up the B52, and I'll do the video.

We gonna fly over Bagdad around 1 PM EST, for several hours. And show them that if they think they can win, well, nope, think again.

Shiite v Sunni? Fuck that, Browns Steelers.


Anonymous said...

OK Governor.We'll now ask you to take a sobriety test,by touching your finger tips together and saying 5 times fast,"Slim Jim grinned a grim grin".

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