Saturday, July 07, 2007


On My Honor

1. Democrats and other left-wingers may see their versions here and here.

2. "This is the same uniform I wore to the Democrat National Convention in 2004. You can still see the spit stains in the pants."

3. "No, Congressman Frank, I would not like to go to a motel with you for an 'Extra-Super-Private Award Ceremony.' Please put the ball gag away."

4. People who will never be seen on ZombieTime. No. 1 in a series.

5. "F--- You Howard Zinn!"

The Demotivator Version is Here
Caption This Blog


Anonymous said...

This may shock you... But I don't have any problem with gays, bis, or transgenders. Other than when they use their sexuality as a political tool. Having said that... I just wonder how many gay people would be conservatives, but have turned to Liberalism because we don't accept them.

Anonymous said...

No that does not schock me at all. I do not have a problem with homosexuals as long as they do not try to convince me or my family that that conduct is normal. I do not believe they should be abused or mistreated but they are ingaging in deviant and dangerous conduct.Nor do I believe they should be married that is absurd.

Anonymous said...

I shouldnt know what a person does in the bedroom. I dont care. It's a liberal that checks that first. And if guvmint mandated benifits went away, so would gay marrage. Its all about money.

MitchM said...

Tim, I do not believe it is about the money. When they are given the same benefits but a name different than marriage they still demand marriage. They can't feel good unless they take away something from their critics. Yes I am generalizing here, there are plenty of exceptions I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

They're perverts, and they want to be accepted, so that they can recruit, and tell themselves that they're not.


Kim du Toit said...

Fortunately, I didn't understand a single one of the signs.



Anonymous said...

To be sure money is part of it. However it is a lot more than that Marriage would lend legitimacy to there perversion. It would also destroy the now struggling union of marriage. There are people that get out there and act like hey homosexual conduct is okay with them because hollywood is pushing it when it is really not. I have seen a group of atty's standing talking and a homosexual lawyer walk by and they act all buddy buddy when he gets by they mutter faggot. I am up front I do not hate homosexuals and think they have a problem Probably a mental problem. There conduct will never be excepted no matter how much the yell because it is adverse to normal and very self destructive.

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