Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Elected Democrats are a deadly cancer


The one-legged militant was released from the U.S. jail for terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in March 2004 after  he was captured in Afghanistan fighting for the Taliban.

He quickly took up arms again, and became a leader of militants in the South Waziristan region on the Afghan border, and was wanted for the kidnapping of two Chinese engineers later that year. [Terror Leader Commits Suicide as Police Swoop in to Arrest Him]


Anonymous said...

If they just want to 'splode, then they should be giving the opportunity to 'splode themselves at Gitmo ... preferably where they can only endanger other 'splodydopes.

Anonymous said...

The french truck just makes it better.

Anonymous said...

That Senator Schumer really gets around.

Anonymous said...

Abdullah Mehsud sets the example for the Islamists and thier allies the Democrats- just pull the pin and clutch the granade close.


Anonymous said...

Schumer....double dating...Keith Ellison fixed him up.

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