Theater of the Absurd |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
When I read that story earlier, it goes on to say that the local activists have set up a hotline for illegals to call in if they have been "harassed"
That sheriff is very cool, he's constantly in the news. The PC crowd hates him.
Lived in Phx for 9 years. Ya' don't F with Joe. He'd make a great US AG. Green bologna and pink skivvies for everyone.
Every American city needs this program I forgot what the name of it is where local deputies can be trained and used to detain illegals.
The AP misspelled 'Sheriff's'
I love the part about "faith based" organizations. The complaint is akin to being mad at me for not feeding my neighbors kids.
AP = Another Pravda
And exactly what is the reason that Sheriff Arpaio is not our Secretary of Homeland Security?
I liked Michael Chertoff until he did his boss's bidding on the God-foresaken "Immigration Reform" legislation.
AP = America's Pravda, yea that's better.
Detain illegals?
They turn them loose anyway.
The problem simply won't go away until we start offering the $1,000 per head bounty.
Anyone who would sit in a frozen tree stand, to hunt an animal which really doesn't taste that great, would undoubtedly put on his camo to go try to nab Jorges and Consuela for $1,000 a pop.
The bounty idea would kind of combine the best elements of hunting and Lotto.
Let the good times roll.