Thursday, July 05, 2007

Health Care ala Frisco

Guess who'll pick up this check?

San Francisco's future burden is particularly heavy. Part of the reason is that San Francisco's health care benefits are among the most generous in the state. After five years of service, city employees are guaranteed lifetime health benefits for themselves and 50 percent benefits for a spouse or domestic partner. The state of California, by contrast, provides 50 percent health benefits after 10 years of service and full benefits after 20 years.
A nice thing about federalism is that when local government falls into the hands of  people you think are fools, you can move across the city line and watch the fun.  But, federalism was gut shot in 1861 and has been bleeding out ever since.  What are the chances the city will take responsibility, cut back services and tighten their belts?  Fat chance.  Not with San Francisco government alumni now running the House and Senate. Can you say National Health Care? In fact, consider how close to the brink of flat out Marxist socialism we are. With Hillary, and if not her the next democrat who becomes president, it's a done deal - in one fell swoop. I'm just saying.


Anonymous said...

Maybe Im just cynical, but there is a side of me that cant wait to watch people go ballistic when their guvmint fails them. I fear that socialized medicine is inevitable. The sheeple have been primed for it long enough for it to take hold. The water is warm but not hot so the frog is blissfully unaware.

Anonymous said...

I just witnessed a paean to the Big Dig on Fox News. All that extra dirt out of the hole was used to cap a landfill in the Bay creating a wonderful island on which tourists may trek. Ahhh, then it was all worth it.


Jake said...

People will move out of old cities into newer ones so they can escape the horrendous retiree liabilities. These liabilities are a result of corrupt Democrat politicians being bribed by corrupt union bosses.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Ha! How's ranch life?

Anonymous said...

Other than the period I was in the workforce or my time in the military I have paid through the nose for healthcare insurance to the tune of more than 800 bucks a month. I have also had VA care which I was very greatful for and the VA is the model that Hillary wanted to use for her National Healtcare model. But many expert agree that the VA hospitals and clinics were a mistake and that the government should have just used existing public hospitals and paid the bills. It turns out by using public hospitals they would have saved billions of dollars. I tend to agrre we need to shut down the VA and just use the public hospitals. You do not want to be lost in the VA system. Do not get me wrong I am very greatful for the care I received from the VA and all the folks I met there were very nice ahd caring with the exception of one woman but there were several meds I needed that I could not get from the VA.

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