Tuesday, July 24, 2007

He's better at quoting Marx

Where a left-winger attempts a history lesson

It's always fun when Liberals take to deciphering the founding fathers intent, as  Adam Cohen does here in today's New York Times.

The nation is heading toward a constitutional showdown over the Iraq war. Congress is moving closer to passing a bill to limit or end the war, but President Bush insists Congress doesn’t have the power to do it. “I don’t think Congress ought to be running the war,” he said at a recent press conference. “I think they ought to be funding the troops.” He added magnanimously: “I’m certainly interested in their opinion.”  [Just What the Founders Feared: An Imperial President Goes to War]

Let's go to chapter one.

After the United States won its independence in the treaty of 1783, it had to protect its own commerce against dangers such as the Barbary pirates. As early as 1784 Congress followed the tradition of the European shipping powers and appropriated $80,000 as tribute to the Barbary states, directing its ministers in Europe, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, to begin negotiations with them....
... Thomas Jefferson, United States minister to France, opposed the payment of tribute ... Paying the ransom would only lead to further demands, Jefferson argued ...

Jefferson's plan for an international coalition foundered on the shoals of indifference and a belief that it was cheaper to pay the tribute than fight a war. ...

When Jefferson became president in 1801 he refused to accede to Tripoli's demands for an immediate payment of $225,000 ... President Jefferson dispatched a squadron of naval vessels to the Mediterranean

As he declared in his first annual message to Congress: ..."I sent a small squadron of frigates into the Mediterranean. . . ."

Who is Bush in that scenario?  Which are Clinton and his leftist minions?  Who is revered today?  Who is entirely forgotten, if not despised?


Anonymous said...

Not one penny in tribute.

The most cost effective and fastest means of gaining peace and victory in Iraq requires the immediate nuclear destruction of Damascus, Tehran, and possibly Pakistan's nuclear bases.

It will take the Islamists at least three generations to forget the carnage and get froggy again.

Anonymous said...

And the sad thing is, Jefferson was a peacenik in his presidential days, practically gutting our foundling military. It's thanks to him we were barely able to defend ourselves during the War of 1812...

But yes, he did fight against Tripoli. Sadly, he also paid other barbary states tribute, as well. (A whole bloody pair of warships, too -- one was the Corsair, though I forget what the other was named)

Anonymous said...

But more importantly, how did Jefferson feeeeel about it? And how did reading their version of history make you feel?

Remember children, it's feelings not facts that matter.


Anonymous said...

I was thinking Barbary pirates just today, lemme think, lemme think.

Oh yeah, that very same coast, near Tripoli. Qadafi (piss be upon him) let loose six hostage Bulgarian nurses in exchange for some awesome booty, including half billion dollars and some lucrative deals with the EU.

It's dispiriting that Ms. Rice didn't call bullshit on this:

"This is an important step in Libya's continuing positive re-engagement with the international community," Rice said in a statement.

I count 9 people mentioned in this article, but the head Pirate isn't among them? What travesty has Reuters become?

This is my favorite tho, the following are direct quotes from the article:

"Neither France nor the EU had made any payment to Libya to ensure the nurses' release, Sarkozy said.

Last week Libya commuted the death sentences against the six to life imprisonment following the payment of a $460 million financial settlement -- $1 million to each HIV victim's family. "

Anonymous said...

If Presidents would require a formal declaration of war instead of these mealy worded authorizations of use of force, we wouldn't have these problems. Make those two bit assholes meet their constitutional responsibilities.

These damn police actions where Congress can run from accountability are getting f*^(ing old.

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