Monday, July 09, 2007

Hillary Parody


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Claire featured a video, Hott4Hill,  by Taryn Southern that is, I guess, a response to the I Love Obama Rama video I've heard about, but  haven't watched.  "Campaigning in the new millennium," Claire calls it.  Ms. Southern crafted this paean to Hilly by combining grade school children and strong lesbian sexual references.  I think Hilly's  base will like it.   I  haven't tampered with it too much, since I think Southern gets a message across.  Where she likes beating around the bush, however, I like getting right into it.  And, some references, like one  to Hillary's great skin were just over the top, so I helped her out with something a tad  realistic.   Had fun doing it, but I've now listened to the tune so many times that I can't get it out of my head. Awk.


Anonymous said...

I find the idea behind this video offensive, but your "touch ups" made me laugh.

"She has something Obama lacks..."

AnnoyedOne said...

"She has something Obama lacks..."

Yeah and hers "clink" when she walks.

Anonymous said...

You have made me shoot beer out of my nose all over the keyboard before. Today it was puke.

Anonymous said...

Al Bundy, on the HBO show "John from Cincinnati", just now, as he was removing duct tape from his mouth:

"May this pain come to Clinton, for disgracing the Oval Office."

gadfly said...

Cant get the song out of your mind.

This will help ...

its just like a mini-mall!

Anonymous said...

Rodgie-oo -- you are deliciously evil!

Anonymous said...


You magnificent genius

Anonymous said...

I love you and I love your awesome talent!!!!!!!!! This is great!

Anonymous said...

evil is right-- can't imagine you got permission from the parents of these children to include their images with your, uh, editorialization. you might think about removing this before you have a class action suit as well as a federal copyright/child exploitation/libel case developing against you-- just fair warning.

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