Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Janes Webb

Today's MFCS


Anonymous said...

Is that Photoshopped or is it a real pic? If it's a real pic, what is it of?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

It's a real pic of a guy making lots of smoke.

Anonymous said...

Must have eaten at the local taco stand to have that much smoke out his ass.

Anonymous said...

heh... I never did like the bastard.


Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know . . . . It looks like a lot of gen-u-ine dust to me.

Anonymous said...

Almost off-topic, but since it deals with MFCS's:

Tell me what laws this guy violated.

Answer: probably none. Now he'll have to hire a lawyer and file a claim for the return of his rightful possessions, all on account of a nosy plumber and an overactive Sheriff's Dept.

Oh, by the way, CBS 11, having written the story in the worst possible light, says "Stay with CBS 11 News for the latest developments." What are the odds that they'll cover the story of the owner finally getting his lawful possessions back? I'll say "slim to none".

Anonymous said...

Yep webb is one despicable bastard.

Anonymous said...

Only 500 rounds of ammo??


Anonymous said...

There WAS that guy they used to call 'needledick',but he'd be way too old by now to be this guy.

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