Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Kennedy Cancer

STFU and assume the position, Bobby

"Get rid of all these rotten politicians that we have in Washington, who are nothing more than corporate toadies ... [Denying man-made climate change] is treason. And we need to start treating them as traitors." - Robert Kennedy, Jr.

I kind of agree with Bobby about the rotten politicians, except for their identities I suspect.  I was once enthralled by John F. Kennedy and his extended family.  Unfortunately, I like reading history books, and there came a time when some of it, Kennedy history, was published without the family' controlling hand. And then more.  Edward Kennedy and little Bobby here have finished the job of destroying any goodwill I once had for them.

John F. Kennedy was more engaging than Richard Nixon, and his wife was lovely.  That's about all Jack had going for him, in retrospect.  Yesterday's Wall Street Journal ran a piece titled Sham-a-Lot, by Joseph Epstein. While I abhor the current, mostly leftist, practice of destroying  America's role models and heroes for political gain, with rigged historical facts - Thomas Jefferson comes immediately to mind - there's plenty of  documentation in JFK's case.

As someone with a vivid memory of Kennedy's brief and lackluster term as president, I have been amused over the following 44 years to watch the myth of the greatness of John F. Kennedy grow. Here was a president who initiated no impressive programs, was less than notably courageous in coming to the aid of civil-rights workers in the South, got the nation enmeshed in one of the most unpopular wars in our history (Vietnam), and brought it to the edge of nuclear war in a probably unnecessary war of nerves with Nikita Khrushchev over the installation of Soviet missiles in Cuba. In short, John F. Kennedy was a president who, based on the decisions he made or didn't have the courage to make while in office, deserves to go down as one of the resoundingly mediocre figures in American presidential history.

In case you don't subscribe ti the W$J, I've captured the full essence of it HERE.


Anonymous said...

I'll say one good thing about JFK. He started the space program. His efforts put the U.S. at the front of space exploration.

That may be a good thing. Then again, it may amount to nothing.

Likewise, Prince Henry the Navigator put the Portuguese at the front of exploration of the world during the 1400s. For the next one-hundred fifty years, Portugal's fleets colonized everywhere. They were the world's king-makers.

Then the Portuguese people let it all slip away. They became a footnote to history.

Will the U.S. go the way of Portugal when it comes to space exploration?

Corsair, The Mostly Harmless said...

Sorry, Ike started the space program after Sputnik made us look like fools. Kennedy inherited it.

Anonymous said...

Bobby Kennedy Jr.....Another Fuhrer-in-his-own-mind, brain dead member of the clan of losers.This gang of dipshits are covered by the expression know-it-all better than any family I have ever seen.A chip off the old blockhead, Joe.

Anonymous said...

Make me king for a day and I'll deal with the Goreball Warming wackos:
Impound all their vehicles - cars, trucks, aircraft and powerboats - except bicycles.
Disconnect their electricity. Stop/forbid all motorized deliveries to their houses.
Divest their investment portfolios of any holding that uses the above goods and services.
MFCS Bobby Kennedy and Algore will be the beta testers.
Sit back and wait to see how long the movement lasts.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick, you should take their bicycles too. At least I would. Why? Because it still takes CO2 to manufacture and transport them... And the fact I hate bicycles and their riders.

Anonymous said...

What's with his voice? Makes my skin crawl.Boazo

Timbeaux said...

I concur with the space program comment. Many people don't understand, probably because they weren't meant to, that the Apollo program put us far, far ahead in the Cold War because NASA was essentially the missile research arm of the Pentagon for about 35 years. Wherever else JFK might have failed, and I'm sure you could name many areas because he wasn't close to Reagan, he at least took the Russians very seriously. And he understood supply-side economics before anyone had heard of the term. All that, and he was doing Marilyn too...he deserves an ever-so-slightly-above-mediocre rating at least.

Anonymous said...

TLCA, I thought about that, but realized they wouldn't be riding 21 speeds with all that skin tight spandex stuff. I envisioned Algore and Cape Cod Orca huffing and puffing, knees splayed out, riding a 16" one speed with a basket on the front, balloon tires and training wheels.
Your way is OK too, but might end the movement before we have a laugh.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick, good point. But I don't feel like vomiting in horror from seeing Algore wearing spandex.

Anonymous said...

TCLA - No, no, no not spandex - Depends or diapers. ;>D
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

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