Thursday, July 05, 2007

More Rules

Quitting Islam is like quitting the Mafia

Malaysia adds to penalties for conversion from Islam

Jul. 4, 2007 ( - AsiaNews is reporting that in northern Malaysia, the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party has stiffened penalties for conversion from Islam.

In a country where Muslims account for more than half of the population, conversion is punished with a 5-year prison sentence and a $3,000 fine. A Malaysian Muslim who marries a non-Muslim and who converts the non-Muslim to Islam is rewarded with an apartment, a car, a one-time payment of $2,700, and a monthly stipend of $270.


Anonymous said...

"Hey buddy. Got a match?"....."Yeah. My ass and your face."

Anonymous said...

Death AND a fine? Where'd they get that idea... the Democrats? (e.g. Death/Estate tax)

Anonymous said...

Before I die, I'd like to infiltrate a mosque and take one of those remote controlled "fart machine" gizmos with me.

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