Tuesday, July 17, 2007

No surprise

Meet Your Enemy

MP George Galloway
I've always suspected that if certain schools, let's use Notre Dame for our example, eliminated the football program, twenty years would pass before they stopped receiving votes in the weekly polls.  The same is true of lies as they apply to liberals. They have their story and they're sticking to it. I'll be interested to see then  how these characters react now that British MP George Galloway has been  officially ruled a liar, bribe-taker, and actually, traitor.

MP George Galloway should be suspended from the House of Commons for 18 sitting days, the Commons Standards and Privileges Committee said today.

The committee criticised Mr Galloway's conduct aimed at “concealing the true source of Iraqi funding” to a charity he set up and failure to co-operate with the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards.

It backed a finding that there was “strong circumstantial evidence” that his Mariam Appeal received cash from the UN's Oil for Food Programme “with Mr Galloway’s connivance.”

The committee said the MP for Bethnal Green and Bow had been “complicit in the concealment of the true source of the funds” and had “damaged the reputation of the House.”

And it said he was “clearly irresponsible” in refusing to look into the source of substantial donations to the fund.

Galloway was one of the earliest and highest profile players to give credence to the lies being formed about motives for attacking Iraq.  And he gets 18 days suspension for his treason?  Still, that's harsher treatment than any congressional democrat would receive for similar crimes  If any one person deserves credit for nailing this guy,  it's Minnesota Sen. Norm Coleman.
Jamie Mac

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He should be suspended for 18 days......at the end of a rope.

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