Friday, July 06, 2007


The Quotable Joe Biden

This guy [President Bush] is brain dead,

I can hardly wait to debate Rudy Giuliani if he is their nominee, because I will eat his lunch. The next time I hear a Republican talk about us being tough on terror – give me a break!

I found Romney’s statements yesterday profound – crazy — when he talked about going to war with Iran. Why are we talking about going to war with Iran?

So many choices.  Biden.  Kucinich.  Hillary. Obama.  Edwards.  Sigh.


Grumpyunk said...

Jonah Goldberg had this to say of Biden -

"...The man loves his voice so much, you’d expect him to be following it around in a grey Buick, in defiance of a restraining order, as it walks home from school."

That about says it all.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey Cap'n! It's good to see you from FF. How are Poet and the boys doing over there?

Anonymous said...

He's digging wells in Thailand or
wherever...Prophet have
an alternative site to the little
Victor Charlie Shon at
(I'm Ming the Merciless over there.)


Anonymous said...

The democrap canidates sound like the cartoon network. There party and there canidates are absurd.

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