Friday, July 06, 2007


Severely Flawed Court

So, 45% of Americans favor impeaching the President and Vice President.  That's what some outfit called the American Research Group claims a poll conducted over the 4th of July weekend shows. My very quick take is, what's the word I'm looking for?  Oh right.  Poop..  Here's a sentence from the French news service story that chose to distribute the poll results.

Just two US presidents have been impeached: Bill Clinton was impeached in 1998 and acquitted in 1999; Andrew Johnson was impeached and acquitted in 1868. Disgraced president Richard Nixon resigned in 1974 when a House impeachment vote appeared likely.

"impeached Bill Clinton," but  "Disgraced president Richard Nixon, " (who as not impeached).   Just to give you a clue to who is participating here.

  And, who was sitting around at home over the holiday to take this phone call?  Obviously people who were not picnicking, boating, swimming, blowing fingers off, or otherwise celebrating our Independence.  Skew.    Here's the breakdown of responders.


Do you favor or oppose the US House of Representatives beginning impeachment proceedings against President George W. Bush?







All Adults









Democrats (38%)




Republicans (29%)




Independents (33%)





Based on 1,100 completed telephone interviews among a random sample of adults nationwide July 3-5, 2007. The theoretical margin of error is plus or minus 3 percentage points, 95% of the time. Of the total sample, 933 interviews were completed among registered voters.

Only 29% were Republicans - a notable under sampling.   38% Democrats. 33% Independents.   People who claim to be "Independents" generally fall into one of two categories, in my experience. 

    1. People who call talk shows, claiming they were lifelong Republicans, but will never vote for one again because .... .  In other words, not just democrats, but hard core democrats.
    2. People who couldn't name the governor of their state, and who haven't  voted in their lives.
Looking at how the groups responded, I'm going to guess that 55-60% of those called were democrats with no friends or family.   The real question is why  this poll was undertaken?  Outside of the denizens who populate the leftist, rabid-dog bulletin boards, there is no drumbeat for it.  The closest sustainable argument for impeachment. is immigration. Had the Amnesty Bill passed, and been signed, I'd be in that line, but even that would be a dicey venture for the House to undertake.   This poll, it seems, is more product placement than legitimate news., which is what most polls have become.  I favor hanging people who do this. 


Unknown said...

Roger my good man, you are a invaluable asset when you post an expose like this. It is as ElRushbo says and you concur as I do that all the DBM needs to do is to do their OWN "polls" and THEN make news out of that as if it were *true*.

Keep on turning the light on this sonofamotherf**king bastards.

Thank you.

SherryM said...

Actually I am a Independent but I lean to the right, I did vote for Bush both times. And I was never asked to take part in this poll.. I am always suspicious of polls if I don't know any one that was asked.

skh.pcola said...

I second Rodger's opinion that "Independent" voters fall into two categories: 1) Liars, and 2) The apolitical who can't be bothered to go vote, but still hate conservatives on principle (?!). Anybody who can't make up their mind when faced with two diametrically-opposed options is just a waffling, vacillating asshole.

And I hold that view even in spite of wanting to kick Republicans in the collective 'nads for their perfidy vis-a-vis immigration and general fiscal responsibility. I realize that millions of Repugs have officially renounced thier party membership, but they are still conservatives. "Independents" are simply stealth libtards who hope to skew statistics into the Demotard's favor. "Hey, if a pollster calls me, I'll say that I am an independent and will vote for the Democrat candidate...that'll make the Repugs look even worse! *drool, mouth breathe, peculiar facial tic*"

Anonymous said...

As much as they want to impeach the President, I still haven't heard a good answer to "Exactly what 'high crimes and misdemeanors' have been committed?"

The last President to be impeached perjured himself before a grand jury. This one? I'm still waiting for a single valid criminal charge to be filed.

It doesn't seem to matter to some people, who think that their own BDS is sufficient grounds for impeachment. Ever since Bush took office, his opponents have sought revenge for Clinton's impeachment. However, they have nothing to work with.

That doesn't stop them. In particular, Keith Olbermann's screed stands as a fine example. That one had me LMAO. It's a must-see. Olbermann's a pathetic actor, and it shows as he tries to imitate a sense of outrage.

I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Why doesn't he just wear a red nose and frizzy wig? Oh, right-- he does not realize what a clown he is. This itself adds to the comedy. What can I say? He wants me to get as angry as he pretends to be, but all I can do is laugh, because I see right through him.

SherryM said...

LOL, My father is a died in the wool lib.. He refers to Me as the damned republican.. Really a Independent is either a republican or democrat lite.
I guess I am a republican lite.

Anonymous said...

If you believe this poll you also would believe Hillary invested in cattle futures her self and earned that money legally or that Bill Clinton never had sex with that woman.

Eli said...

July 3-5, 2007

Do they really expect anyone to believe a poll conducted over the Independence Holiday to be accurate? Oh wait, they just want the headline "XX% want the President impeached."

LifeTrek said...

By the way, that is the same poll and polling sample that show 64% disapprove of the Presidents handling of the Libby commutation.

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