Sunday, July 22, 2007

Prosecute Patrick Fitzgerald

I'm still waiting

Jail Patrick Firzgerald
If somebody can see any difference between Michael Nifong's criminal behavior in the Duke rape case, and Patrick Fitzgerald's criminal behavior in the Scooter Libby prosecution, tell me now.  Here's my case.   While we're at it, let's throw in a third malfeasant, Ronnie EarleNifong's been disbarred, the other two are pending.


Anonymous said...

Yes. I believe the similarities are obvious.They all pursued cases which should not have been prosecuted, for the glory of their Lefty agendas, and of course it was as well for their own personal gain, within their political realms.These people are criminals and belong in jail, but among the Liberals, they are heros and have already entered the Lefty martyrdom and sainthood, even though they will never see the full extraction of any retribution for their misdeeds.The most strenuous effort must be exerted to prevent these things from happening in the first place, but I suppose all that can be done IS being done,and it's left for a later clean-up after these swine.

Anonymous said...

Never talk to the FBI or ant agency with out a very good lawyer present. Libby should never have been prosecuted and Fitz should be disbarred and fired. But believe me when I say never talk to the FBI with out a good lawyer. There mian stock in trade is perjury unless it involves a democrat.

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