Thursday, July 26, 2007

Two Choices

Bad Rodger | Good Rodger

Animal House - 'Fuck her brains out'

New Haven For Illegal Aliens

By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Wednesday, July 25, 2007 4:30 PM PT

Immigration: A Connecticut city becomes the first in the nation to issue identification cards to illegal aliens. It's supposed to be for their protection. What about ours? And since when do city ordinances trump federal law?

Let's face it, there are sadly two Americas.  On one side, the idiots who run many of our largest cities, not to mention Congress, and those of us with a sense of what this nation is supposed to be,  buttressed by years of reading history not written by the new left.  So, what to do?  Depending on my mood at the moment, there are two - only two - actions available.  Having just a few moments ago swigged down my morning cocktail of delicious red whiskey, Prozac and Ritalin, I am able to clearly see those choices.

Bad Rodger
Good Rodger
This is the time for a seminal moment in history.  Good guys from across the country - I'm talking an honest 1 million men, women and mixed - should converge on New Haven and arrest, then hang every elected official and burn city hall.
President Bush should treat this the same way Jack Kennedy responded in 1962 when Democrat Gov. Ross Barnett declared that Mississippi segregation laws trumped Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court.  Send in Federal marshals and impose the law at the point of a gun.

Both work for me. 


Anonymous said...

I have those same two bastards whispering in my ears all the time. Nice to see I'm not alone.

Anonymous said...

I'm for the bad Rodger. Bush won't do anything but keep pi@@ing on our backs and telling us it's raining. He's one of them.

Anonymous said...

The Bad Rodger scenario won't happen either. Nobody's willing to give up their valuable TV-watching time.

Anonymous said...

Why don't other cities send their illegals to this city and have them provide free housing, food, medicine and education at the city's expense? Everybody gets what they want, as far as I can tell.


Anonymous said...

Emerson's right, let's send'em ALL to Nuevo Haven and see how long it lasts.

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