Friday, July 06, 2007

What you get when you usurp nature's survival of the fittest perogative

Stupid, in spades

Yesterday I cited this story ...

S.F. incurs huge costs for public retirees

Governments begin to grapple with unfunded health care

Intrepid reporter Stoo used the link to discover the plan San Francisco's elected leaders "in a rare display of unanimity," arrived at to save the day.

You can't call San Francisco 'sicko'

City's universal health care initiative signs up its first applicants in Chinatown

*snip* So have the city's elected leaders, who in a rare display of unanimity agreed last summer to begin providing health care to all San Franciscans. At a time when the broken state of the health care system is at center stage -- in the race for president in 2008 and at movie theaters where Michael Moore's documentary "Sicko" is filling a lot of seats -- San Francisco is the first city in the country to try to tackle the problem itself.

*snip* Immigration status, pre-existing conditions and employment status don't matter in enrolling for the program.

*snip* It is opposed by segments of the business community because it demands contributions from employers who don't provide health care coverage to their workers.

Yup.  If you're going broke giving away free stuff, the solution is to cut the price.  As I mentioned yesterday, if it wasn't for the certainty that congressioanl Democrats will make us pay for all this, I wouldn't care.  But since the gun is now pointed at you and me, I suggest we declare war on San Francisco and test the stuff we'll be using later on Iran. 

Oh.  One more thing.  Mayor Newsome has banned bottled water sales on city property as "part of the city's effort to become more environmentally friendly." I told you that in case you were starting to feel sorry for them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

California is sinking, and I hope commies can't swim.

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