Monday, July 09, 2007

Where's Dan?

Is Lucy Ramirez at it again?

Has Captain Ed uncovered another Rathergate?

An interesting question came to me from CQ reader Adam W regarding the Los Angeles Times' story about Fred Thompson and his supposed work for the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association in 1991. The only evidence of this work comes from a copy of the NFPRHA's board minutes from September 14, 1991 that claims that the group had hired "Fred Thompson, Esq. as counsel to aid us in discussions with the administration" to end the rule barring abortion counseling at clinics that received federal funds. A couple of the group's principals swear that they hired Thompson;

Thompson denies working for them, and the man whom Fred would have had to meet categorically states that he never discussed the gag rule with Fred at all.

Now a new bit of indirect evidence has been found. [continued]


Kim du Toit said...

Is it so wrong to be marginally turned on by that painting?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

If you felt movement .... yes.

Anonymous said...

I feel like I'm listening through the boys' locker room vent.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Oh my. Just don't peek.

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