Remember this ad that ran in Hustler Magazine,
and on matchbook coves everywhere about 6 years ago? I don't
either, so I must have missed it. I'm sure it ran however,
because I see evidence of its success in just about every AP story I've
read lately. Like this one.
“ | Rove Keeps Up Heat on Clinton Aug 19, 5:38 PM (ET)
Democrats are going to choose a nominee. I believe it's going to be
her," President Bush's departing political adviser said Sunday, noting
her negative rating with the public is very high.
He appeared on three Sunday talk shows after announcing last week he
was leaving the White House at the end of the month to spend more time
with his family.
Then he harshly criticized Clinton, saying more people have an unfavorable than favorable opinion of the New York senator and former first lady.
"She enters the general election campaign with the highest negatives of
any candidate in the history of the Gallup poll," Rove said. | ” |
Harshly criticized? That 52% of the voters say they will not vote
for her under any circumstances has been regularly reported for at
least four years now, and holding. Debbie thinks she knows why
Rove, who does not work for the White House any longer, is scheming so
“ | Is
it a sign that Rove, who masterminded Bush's two presidential
victories, is worried about Clinton? Or a calculation that the GOP
attacks will get Democrats to rally to her side because the GOP would
prefer not to take on Democrats John Edwards or Barack Obama?
Rove might be revisiting his 2004 play book. Bush's re-election team
aimed its harshest comments at Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, the
eventual nominee, because it wanted Bush to take on Kerry rather than
Edwards, then a senator from North Carolina.
| ” |
Debbie, you moron At this juncture in 2004, here were the 8 clowns running.
- Gephardt
- Lieberman
- Kerry
- Dean
- Daschle
- Gore
- Hillary
- Edwards
  Buncha Crap |
If the White House was afraid of
Edwards, it was only because he was that year's Obama Rama. A
pretty boy ambulance chaser, serving his first and only term in his
first elected office. In other words, he was the Democrat's dream
candidate, someone with no record, and no special prosecutor waiting in
the wings. If I was to choose the best candidate (for
Republicans) from this bunch, and I did, it would have been John Kerry, and it was. Only half his record of being a Vietnam era liar and poseur was know then, but I figured that was quite enough.
“ | Rove
said the GOP's chances in 2008 may be helped by the high negative
ratings for Clinton and for the Democratic-led Congress. Congress'
approval in an Associated Press-Ipsos poll this month stood at 25 percent, compared with 35 percent for Bush.
| ” |
Nice try Deb. Every other pollster is, and has been showing a
14%-15% approval rating for the Democratic-led Congress. let's
see if I can find ... okay, how about the Zogby Poll? He's a
left-leaner. He says 15%. See, that's what I'm talking about Deb?
“ | At a Democratic debate in Iowa on Sunday, Clinton responded to Rove's criticism.
"I don't think Karl Rove is going to endorse me, but I find it interesting that he's obsessed with me," she said.
She said no candidate will escape the "Republican attack machine," and added: "I know how to beat them."
| ” |
To sum up Deb, the story line should be why Democrats are still scared to death of what an out of work White House staffer thinks?
Oh. Did you get all three questions right, Deb?