In a CAL LAW article, Decisions Upend Judges' Lives
, Mike McKee looks at how four judges have suffered mightily
for "enraging right-wing groups" with their brave and righteous decisions.
Here's the money shot.
“ | 
Unstated, but hovering in the ether, was the fact that many judges
believe the current presidential administration has exacerbated the
problem by blaming unpopular rulings on "activist judges."
| ” |
The 'CAL' in CAL LAW must
stand for callow. This controversy has been around for as long as
any of us here have been alive - can you say Warren Court?
Activist judges, I say, have usurped the legislative power and
represent a clear and present danger to the Republic. Here's my
hastily compiled list of examples; you may counter, or add to it.