Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Hillary is not electable

  A case of the 'zactlies

"One of the things I learned during the war was never to pick up my pen to transmit my own despair."
      - Albert Camus

So we've got a candidate who is among the most radical ever to stand for the presidency. One who was furthermore at the very center of the most corrupt administration in modern history. Who has a lengthy trail of dubious (to put it mildly) deals and arrangements behind her. Whose record as a senator is conspicuous for lack of any serious accomplishment. Who is, above all, one of the most unappealing personalities to run for president in this or any other era.

According to reputable polling, 52% of the voters have gone on record to declare that they will never, under any circumstances, cast their vote for Hillary Clinton. The last time I looked, 48% was a losing number in the presidential sweepstakes.

You'd think that, under those conditions, the GOP would be aching to come to grips with Hillary. But you'd be wrong. According to the conservative commentariat, the election is over, a year and more ahead of time, and Hillary has it in the bag.

It's a similar case with Congress. [keep going ....]


Anonymous said...

I'm with this guy. I just can't, for the life of me, see HTF HRC gets elected. Her nastiness is impossible to hide. And I also agree that Rudy is not the least bit fazed by her, he's tougher by a mile. Fred sure has been writing up a storm, some excellent pieces, but time to punch that dance card.

I am loving how the nutroots are pulling the dems further and further to the left. They freaking boo HRC. GOOD.

I say bring her filthiness on. Let's end this Clinton crap once and for all. And lets not forget how the dems eat their failed presidential candidates.

I have been working with my local RNC to find a, hopefully, an Iraqi vet to take back Dis.7 from scummy Perlmutter, a Pelosi butt boy if there ever was one and I can only hope this is going on nationally. If my party doesn't go stupid on me again, we win. Period. Of course it's still a long haul

Timbeaux said...

48% was good enough for Bill....I'm just saying, that's all. Just about all of those 52% has to get off their ass and actually go to the polls. The cream of the opposing crop doesn't exactly have me doing cartwheels.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Tim ... 48& assumes that Her Filthiness would receive 100% of the available votes, which is only possible in Cuba and Washington state. If the 52$ are stalwart, Hillary loses in a historic landslide.

Anonymous said...

I agree with a lot he said but I disagree with his estimation of Rudy other than just the very present. The future is not good for Rudy his own daughter will not vote for him. I believe Mike Hukabee will top Rudy in Iowa and the polls will start falling to him to a bigger degree he even might enter the top tier canidates till fred announces then he will in all likelyhood assume the place of front runner and barring a calamity go on to get the nomination. I say again if by some chance the nomination falls to Rudy then Hillary will be the President of the US. Shudder. We probably would survive it but it would take it's toll. But we survived Jimmy Carter.

Timbeaux said...

Uhhhh... Rodge, Bill never got 50% of the votes cast in either '92 (43%) or '96 (49.2%). Third party interferance both times, mainly Ross Perot but also a little bit of Nader, et al. Point is, if only 60% of the 52% anti-Hillary crowd actually bothers to vote, she's not in bad straights. A lot of those anti-Hill's are Democrats who aren't completely over the communist cliff, and how many of them do you see really motivated to show up and vote Republican in order to shoot down her filthiness? It doesn't come close to making me comfortable...

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