Mitt Romney probably lost my
support for president when he moved to Massachusetts, because
I've decided that nobody from that state should ever be given dominion
over anybody's life. When, as governor, he shepherded a Kennedy-esque gummint health program into law, the spike was driven. Today's Berkshire (MA) Eagle has something to say about that.
“ | The
Republican candidate asserts on the campaign trail that he developed a
plan that provides health insurance for all without government
involvement, which is patently false. Unfortunately a national press
corps more concerned with sizzle than steak, and the Hollywood handsome
Mr. Romney is all about sizzle, has not challenged his claims
sufficiently, and based on its performance in the last two presidential
elections, may never do so.
The reform plan, of course, is heavily subsidized with state and
federal funds, and wouldn't exist without them. The low cost figures he
trumpets are only for the plans on the lowest rung of the ladder, and
he doesn't mention that the program begins to spring leaks when the
many who don't qualify for those plans seek insurance and find
themselves faced with plans
that cover little and cost plenty.
| ” |