Monday, August 06, 2007


YAF to Cal-Santa Cruz:

"You owe the Gummint $80 Mil"

I'd ask this young product of local guumint schools what lie is it that recruiters tell?  That chipped beef on toast is swell?  That the Drill Sgt. will give back massages?  That if things get dangerous, they can opt out?  This douchebag  is a `... douchebag.
The kids [Young America's Foundation] who told  "CAIR can go to Hell and ,,, take their 72 virgins with them" rejuvenated, for many of us, hope for our future.  Now the group's California members are showing they have the Right Stuff.

A conservative youth group has filed a lawsuit aimed at the University of California-Santa Cruz, arguing it should lose federal funding because it allowed military recruiters to be harassed and forced off campus by student protesters.

The Young America's Foundation (YAF) accused the school of violating the Solomon Amendment, which requires colleges to allow military recruiters access to their campuses to be eligible for federal aid.

If successful, the lawsuit -- filed against Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates to compel him to enforce the Solomon Amendment -- would deny UC-Santa Cruz $80 million in funds.

In 2005 and 2006, military personnel attended campus job fairs to provide information and to enlist students. Both times, the military recruiters were driven from the campus by angry protesters, which reportedly included both students and faculty. [Harassment of Military Recruiters Sparks Lawsuit at College
Inspector Hamilton


Christian said...

Can we then divert the $80 million to the gas fund and bomb the s%^t out of the school as it passes enroute to SF and Berkley?

Anonymous said...

That is my town. Lived and schooled there, family still there. This story gives me great hope for a swell against the communist mindset of this area. I don't know which entities were actually allowed access to the job fairs, but I'll bet no one from "big" private business were allowed.

The Young America's Foundation. Carry on!!! Thanks Rodger.

Squeak said...

I supposes he also thought that before the surgeon general's warning cigarettes had vitamin C listed as a ingredient and tin foil hats stop brain scans, I think his father should have used a condom. My little brother served his country tel the day he was killed when he was 22 by a scum sucking illegal. No one lied to him he knew what he was doing and he died 10 times the man that punk will ever be if he lived to be a 100.

Anonymous said...

God Bless you and your brave brother.

pdwalker said...


I'm sorry for your loss.

The sad part is, your brother won't have the chance to raise a responsible family, and the cowardly turds will.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the old jody, "My recruiter told me a lie. He said go airborne and learn to fly."


Anonymous said...

Nah. He'll never have children because he doesn't have balls.

He probably took the sign home so he could massage his prostate while watching wrestling.

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