Yesterday my most recent addition to the English language was accepted by the good folks at PseudoDictionary.
“ | Rodger Schultz,
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HD Fowler - Moderation
Paul - Concept
Garret - Programming
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I took the occasion to see how many words total that my scholarship
was responsible for. Four. Here are the others.
clintoid - Mindless canker-blossomed apologist for Bill (or Hillary) Clinton. Also, liar.
e.g., One long-toothed CBS news reader is a leading media clintoid.
clintonian - Deceptive, criminal.
e.g., In clintonian fashion, the car dealer charged Widow Brown double the normal dealer prep charge.
jefferdsonian - After Vermont Senator Jim Jeffords: backstabbing, treasonous.
e.g., Carol's jeffordsonian plan to see company secrets was discovered just in time.
All this does not come without a price, I learned:
schultzie - A piece of food stuck in your teeth or a booger hanging out of your nose.
e.g., After eating, "Hey, do I have a schultzie?"
submitted by Liz/Camie