Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Andrew Charles Hendricks

Today's Olympic Jerk-off
Olympia's Nazi Brigade C.I.C.
Andrew Charles Hendricks
Hendricks, 37,  thinks he's an officer in some MFCS Ratbastardcommie People's  Brigade.  Considers himself armed with deadly hands¹ 

¹severe palm acne, prolly

Last week we linked you to audio testimony by a bunch of leftist dickweeds who tried to stop the Army from loading supply ships in the Port of Olympia.   The meeting was called by  Councilman T.J. Johnson, a member in good standing of Olympia's ratbastard commie community, and a graduate of Columbine High School - where I don't think he was a gunman but who knows if they all suicided?  Anyway, as I continue to peruse the testimony (I know, but it's like watching a train wreck), I find these people are a joke that never stops. Take Charles (Drew) Hendricks.  He and Robert Whitlock are the organizers of this band of anarchists.  This is how Hendricks began his "testimony."

"My name is Andrew Charles Hendricks, I was commissioned in 1986 as an  intelligence officer in an underground revolutionary organization .."

Can you imagine me appearing before congress and saying, "I am Rodger Schlong.  In 2002 I was commisioned as B-52 driver in the Barn Army of the United States," and not being bitch-slapped until I soiled myself?  Sheesh.  But wait, there's more. Here's the finishing flourish from this deranged nazi wannabe.

"I am trained to kill open-handedly ...  I can't be on the line with you because I don't want to act (on it? garbled)" 

Wild applause.

Woot-Woo. Lock the doors granny! In between he tells of the  "arrest" he made of some truck drivers, blah-blah-blah.   You want to laugh at them, but they've declared war on the duly constituted government of the United States, and are thus RICHLY DESERVING of attention from the Ohio National Guard.   In the great country we once were, and can be again, anyway.


Anonymous said...

If he appeared in a census 100 years ago, his address would be "Olympia Sanitarium" and "Insane" would be in the occupation column.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

AnnoyedOne said...

That guy looks a bit like John F'in Kerry. Coincidence? I think not.

Anonymous said...

I know I've not the vision I used to have, but he looks a bit 'o more like Adolf (not the seasoning), A1. ;)

Anonymous said...

"trained to kill openhandedly"

These whackjobs always think they are so tough, but you just know they've had the asses kicked in any/every fight they've ever been in, going all the way back to second grade.

What, does he have some diploma that states his hands are "registered deadly weapons" or some such? He and his cohorts probably smoke a bunch of weed and then practice Bruce Lee air-karate moves on each other.

AnnoyedOne said...

Juice, gotta disagree with you there. Adolf had balls. "Frenchman" JFK has one and this guy is obviously a ball-less wonder ;-)

AnnoyedOne said...


Anonymous said...

Okie-dokie, A1. Point well taken. :)

Anonymous said...

"trained to kill openhandedly"........Nah...I don't believe it..Looks like a sneaky f'king backstabbing killer to me.

Anonymous said...

A-1 -- haven't you heard the ol' WWII song "Hitler had only one ball"?


AnnoyedOne said...

ET, well only having one ball is better than having none ;-)

Bob Hawkins said...

Thank God there was no rollover.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


By claiming to be a "martial artist", he has given any counter-protester a valid excuse to shoot him if he approaches.

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