Saturday, November 24, 2007

Aussie Asses

Fork 'em all

Send the UN to Hell

Aussies, like us, have been waging a battle between good and evil, and evil just won an important skirmish.

Australian Prime Minister John Howard has suffered a humiliating election defeat as the opposition Labor Party swept into power. ...Voters warmed to his promise to pull Australian troops out of Iraq and sign the Kyoto Protocol on climate change, further isolating the United States, which had received strong backing from Mr Howard.

It does little good to call people stupid MFCS, but it makes me feel good.  Global Warming and Kyoto are the linchpin that will give the UN world dominion.  Stupid MFCS.

"If they're wearing a blue helmet. kill  them." - Martin Luther King ¹


AnnoyedOne said...

I haven't called mom yet (in Oz) but it seems that Aussies booted Howard "for a change". The reports I've read say that the economy etc there is good although interest rates have been rising. I do know for a fact that real-estate prices are crazy (high) there. I couldn't afford to live there anymore. The condo I bought in 1987 for A$38K now goes for A$250K+.

Anonymous said...

Between this post, A1's comment, MLK's *statement* and the strengthening Euro over US$$, I fear a Jimmy Carter financial nighmare barreling its way down the hill. What a crappy time to have our home on the MLS.

Anonymous said...

Juice, I hate to say it, but I believe you are right. It is near upon us. Until we produce more of our own oil, (think ANWR) the doubling or worse of the price of the oil that underpins our economy will ripple through everything, add to that a bunch of MFCS MBA cocksuckers (I already said that? Sorry. No, I'm not sorry. Make that ratbastard cocksuckers) who concocted a ton of financial paper, that is nothing more than a legal Ponzi scheme to get rich quick on fees, that has started to wreck our currency. Then add to that a harebrained ethanol scheme that will waste more oil while driving up food prices, and we have a economic train wreck, like you said.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

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