Friday, November 30, 2007


Daily Fish Wrap Fun
Carl Bernstein
Apropos my post below, I love this evaluation of Carl Bernstein's book ''Woman in Charge'' from Elizabeth Kolbert in  the New Yorker.

There are two kinds of books about Clinton. The first tries to prove that she's really much worse than you think she is, the second that she's really no worse than you think she is. Bernstein has apparently mellowed since his Watergate days, and his book belongs squarely in the latter camp. Even as he chronicles one fabulous misstep after another, he describes the former First Lady as "well-intentioned and "principled, motivated by deep religious faith and a passionate sense of caring. He characterizes the "so-called Whitewater matter" as "overblown almost from the moment the New York Times first wrote about it, and relates Clinton's various self-justifying comments. "If I wanted to destroy these things, I would have" with no apparent irony. [Two Biographies Search For The Real Hillary Clinton]

Bernstein is a one hit wonder (Watergate- blah-blah with Bob Woodward), and even that, we now know, was largely smoke and hype cheerfully accommodated, if not ordered by,  WaPost publisher Katherine Graham in her quest to destroy archenemy Nixon.  During Clinton's impeachment comedy he was all over the place telling us that nothing Bill did met the standard of criminality he had exposed in Nixon.  Since Bush is president, he's all over the place calling Dubya's actions -whatever the current media howl - is wayyy Nixonian in degree of criminality.  He's the journalistic equivalent of the panhandler who lives in the alley behind the neighborhood gin mill.   In that respect, he's like  many working journalists today.

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