Sunday, November 18, 2007


Conspiracy to defraud


Anonymous said...

Once again, to paraphase Claude Rains, "I'm shocked, SHOCKED."

Anonymous said...

Me too, Tim. After the 2006 elections, the Democrats promised to be ethical and end corruption and turn America around, and now, now... I'm horrified, just HORRIFIED, that the Democrats and CNN would stoop so low.

I don't know why they don't just use earpieces and offstage coaches. WTF, Bill has his hand up Hillary's ass, and Breckboy and Obamasamaramalamadingdong have their wives pulling their strings, so why not use ventriloquists?
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...


Everyone knows the left dominated MSM is in the bag for the dems and HRC. Seriously, what would it take to surprise you?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

It's the recent "in-your-face," out-of-the-closet chutzpah that staggers - and worries me. I see it as an act of war.

Anonymous said...

The only thing new here is that it's easier to see the fraud, since technology makes the process more open. That's why HRC won't make the long haul. The old gal is pulling way too much baggage.


Anonymous said...

Dr Schlong, I'm surprised at you calling this "recent, in your face" when in fact, it is the Clinton MO since they burst on the scene, starting with the Jennifer Flowers hub-bub on 60 Minutes. She had a freaking tape of many conversations with Bill and it was ignored. This is the point when any Republican would have been cut off at the knees. Don't think for a second the dynamic duo missed that. They are the most bald faced liars, bar none, in our history.

They remind me of this scene in an old movie, 60s maybe, where Joey Bishop's wife comes home and catches him in bed with another woman. As she is screaming at him, he hustles the woman out, makes the bed and sits down in his recliner reading a paper, all the while acting as though absolutely nothing has happened. And she finally buys it too!

It's the Clintons to a tee. Their lies are monumental, whoppers beyond belief, finger in the face, dare you to question me. And as long as the left dominated MSM is sawing logs, as long as, as Rush says, Bill makes a call to get their mind right, I'm afraid it's going to be impossible to amaze me.

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